2023 delegates’ pseudo-elections results, Th12Oct – in an accessible form, unlike the NES’ webpage! Breakers now run 3 LSB’s, so big by-laws changes in 2024

. . . results of the 10no. 2023 delegates’ pseudo-elections: here that for the nine KPFA listener-delegates, Th12Oct2023 – https://elections.pacifica.org/wordpress/pacifica-elections-2023-results/ . . .

The results came out a day late – obviously without either an apology or explanation from the National Elections Supervisor, Renée ‘you haven’t seen me, right?’ Peñaloza.


This was during the West Coast morning of Th12Oct – the sixth day of the genocidal onslaught upon Palestinians in Gaza, wrought by the Jewish-Israeli supremacist massacre machine, a state apparatus spawned since 1882 by a European colonisation in Asia, a colonisation by Jewish-Europeans enacting an emigratory nationalist ideology, Zionism, setting up colonies to this very day in a sliver of south-west Asia, Ottomanised Palestine.

For a political culture & leadership that prides itself in entrenching & empowering the state of the Jews (what Herzl termed der Judenstaat – mistranslated as ‘the Jewish state’: that’s der jüdische Staat), for a political culture & leadership that claims to speak on behalf of all Jews, the current unleashing of both genocide & sociéticide is a clear declaration to the world that this is what their idea of Jewish civilisation looks like, what their idea of Jewish ethics smells like.

For the Jewish-Israeli supremacists & their supporters: Jewish civilisation & the Gaza murder-box.

For the Jewish-Israeli supremacists & their supporters: Jewish ethics & the Gaza murder-box.

Let’s be clear: the Jewish-Israeli supremacists & their supporters are showing the world, unequivocally, that for them this is what justice – for them, Jew justice – looks like.

For them, this is Jew justice.

For ever more, they have gouged into the world their stark proclamation: Jew justice = the Gaza murder-box.

As such, the obscenity we are witnessing is the gravest insult to the memory of all those Jewish-Europeans who were murdered in the fascist European judeocide, known in Yiddish as Khurbn (‘destruction’, a destruction principally of the society of Yiddishland). The obscenity, a grave insult to the fighters of the Warsaw ghetto uprising – the Bundists & other Marxists – who battled in the ruins being created all around them, getting driven down into the sewers. Ruins. Ruins, like those being created at this very moment.

Daniel Levy, a wrong kind of Jew, BBC, W11Oct: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LdYV6YX0ks (6:06).

“Levy was a Senior Advisor in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office and to Justice Minister Yossi Beilin during the Government of Ehud Barak (1999-2001). He was a member of the official Israeli delegation to the Israel/Palestine peace talks at Taba under Barak and at Oslo B under Yitzhak Rabin (1994-95)” – https://www.usmep.us/daniel-levy/

Raz Segal, another wrong kind of Jew, & an Israeli in exile, F13Oct [this, & the next, are highly worthy updates]: ‘A textbook case of genocide. Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?’, Jewish Currents, F13Oct, https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide.

Raz Segal, Tu24Oct: ‘Israel must stop weaponising the Holocaust. Scholars of genocide are criticizing the dangerous use of the Holocaust to justify Israeli mass violence against Palestinians’, The Guardian, Tu24Oct, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/24/israel-gaza-palestinians-holocaust.

An associate professor of Holocaust & Genocide Studies, and the Endowed Professor in the Study of Modern Genocide, Stockton University, Galloway Township, NJ – but for how long? https://stockton.edu/graduate/holocaust-genocide-studies.html, & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raz_Segal.

Here, the word ‘genocide’ is used in the legal sense, not rhetorically. And the crime of genocide has a quite broad legal meaning: murdering people is only one of the five ways of genociding (Article 2 of the Genocide Convention; first signed 9Dec1948, effective 12Jan1951); & the Srebrenica convictions in 2004 show that what is readily understood as a massacre, perhaps 8 372 people, was judged in law as a genocide – https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Genocide_Convention, & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre.

Akiva Orr, yet another wrong kind of Jew, an Israeli citizen, now sadly dead, c. 2008 explaining brilliantly that he’s not pro-Palestinian because they’re Palestinian but because they’re oppressed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNDc8tzC5YM (3:13).

Orr & Moshe Machover were amongst the founders of Matzpen (Hebrew for ‘compass’), to be joined by Jabra Nicola. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aki_Orr

Khurbn – it being an insult to use a word drawn from other than the native tongue of the great majority of the victims, words such as the Hebrew shoah or the English holocaust, which itself has the highly unfortunate religious meanings of ‘willing sacrifice’, & ‘a whole burning’.

Marc Caplan, ‘Khurbn’, in Dan Diner (editor), Enzyklopädie Jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur, Band 3: He-Lu, Verlag J B Metzler (Stuttgart & Weimar), 2012, pp. 341-5 – huge file at LibGen, https://libgen.is/search.php?req=Diner+Band+3&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def, but here’s a PDF of the article, https://mega.nz/file/8AkkQLBK#jTcgMOpdEulxWmhPvs0ShWPtqj-LyozTHT00QhB9TNk. (Also a piece on Caplan, the inaugural prof of Yiddish at Johns Hopkins: https://scholarworks.law.ubalt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1822&context=all_fac.)

Besides genocide, you can always drive them out, as in 1947-1949. Machover, Tel Aviv born, has warned, for many years, that the Jewish-Israeli state managers – the civil servants & politicians – keep making plans to drive Palestinians out of Palestine, the best opportunity being a regional crisis. And Nur Masalha, a Palestinian-Israeli, has documented how integral expulsion has been to Zionist thinking since 1882 – even being considered when Israel bloodily occupied Gaza, 1Nov1956-7Mar1957, during the Suez Crisis. Integral: no surprise when you’re trying to set up home in someone else’s living room.

The evidence:
Nur Masalha, Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of ‘Transfer’ in Zionist Political Thought 1882-1948, 1992, https://libgen.is/search.php?req=masalha+expulsion&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def;
Nur Masalha, ‘The 1956-57 occupation of the Gaza Strip: Israeli proposals to resettle the Palestinian refugees’, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, v. 23, no. 1, 1996, pp. 55-68, https://sci-hub.ru/10.2307/195819;
Netanazi in a 1989 speech, when he didn’t think he was being recorded: “Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China [Tiananmen Square], when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories.” https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2009/3/26/netanyahu-on-peace;
another observer, in 2002: “[t]he leading Israeli historian Martin van Creveld predicts that a US attack on Iraq or a terrorist strike at home could trigger a massive mobilisation to clear the occupied territories of their two million Arabs [it’s apparent that he’s referring solely to un-annexed West Bank; 31Dec2023: ~2.970m]”: Martin van Creveld, ‘Sharon’s plan is to drive Palestinians across the Jordan’, Daily Telegraph [London], 28Apr2002, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/1392485/Sharons-plan-is-to-drive-Palestinians-across-the-Jordan.html (paywall, so at https://archive.is/e8wvU);
Jordan’s ready-made: “it is precisely the fact that Israeli leaders intentionally turned Jordan into the absorber of the largest Palestinian refugee population that is now [2010] being used to justify transforming it into a substitute homeland for the Palestinians and forcibly sending more.” https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2010/7/4/jordan-is-not-palestine; &
interview with Machover, updated 28Oct2023, https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/ethnic-cleansing-in-the-current-conflict/.

(Re van Creveld, the updated figure for 2023 is derived from mid-year projections by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Assuming constant rate of change, the year-end total for West Bank (including Palestinians living in the part of Jerusalem stolen in June1967) is 3 291 406 – the summary table being consistent with the latest report by the Bureau’s chief, issued 31Dec; helpfully, the PCBS splits the Jerusalem Governorate between this stolen part (denoting it J1), & the rest (J2); & with J1 as 320 993, the subtraction leaves 2 970 413 – https://pcbs.gov.ps/statisticsIndicatorsTables.aspx?lang=en&table_id=676, https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/statisticsIndicatorsTables.aspx?lang=en&table_id=2088, & https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/portals/_pcbs/PressRelease/Press_En_Palestinian2023E.pdf.)


Meanwhile, back in PacificaWorld . . .

This post has to be made coz the NES’ webpage is effectively unreadable; in a few days she might provide a neat table of those elected, but don’t hold your breath. That’ll probably be in her final report – the first one, too (sic). [UPDATE: unknowingly, whilst this post was being written, the NES improved things a lot, putting the 10 final rounds very near the top of the webpage. C’est la vie.]

For those wanting to check the below against the NES’ info, given for your convenience, whilst you scroll, & scroll, & scroll, & scroll, is the ’round’ # of the final transfer of ballots.

If g-d allows, some notes will be added, on who wasn’t elected, &, more importantly, what gains the breakers made – not least in tightening their grip on the KPFK LSB, perhaps slipping into all four director seats sleepwalker pairs of pyjamas: in controlling three LSB’s, if they get to control the PNB (they’ll need a “majority of all Directors” – per by-law Article 17, Section 1(B)(2)(i), https://pacifica.org/indexed_bylaws/art17sec1.html), then the breakers in 2024 will be able to write whatever by-laws they want that don’t require a full-membership vote requiring a split between the two member classes.

If the breakers judge that the PNB is split 11-11, then they may push to create an at-large director, as mentioned before by this blog, securing a 12-11 majority. This strange beast requires PNB approval to start the electoral process, then nominations by 15Feb from a “majority vote of the Delegates” of at least three LSB’s, before going back to the PNB for decision – with the affiliate directors stripped of a vote (a’ha) … per bylaw 5/5, https://pacifica.org/indexed_bylaws/art5sec5.html.

And . . . then there’s the small matter of Good Olde ‘BAI . . . be it outsourcing programming (chopping staff-members, even to the point that the breakers can win both member class referenda on by-law amendments), . . . or the breakers having already lined up a broadcasting licence swap (although it’s already expired, on 1June2022, https://publicfiles.fcc.gov/fm-profile/wbai, with FCC deigning to grant a temporary permission).

And (a) with no kind of plan ever being cited by Executive Director Wells (sic), or by a manager of the 7 other operating units (sic), & (b) no actionable monthly management account statements (namely, net income, cashflow forecast, balance sheet), in being materially accurate & timely (within 3-4 calendar days of mth-end, or at worst 7-10 calendar days – not over 3mths late), this necessarily means that each of the 8 operating units, & so Pacifica as a whole, is financially flying blind. Given the facts, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

So what does all the busyness, all the firefighting amount to, when the fiefdoms reign supreme, because the ED isn’t controlled by the directors, & the station managers aren’t controlled by the ED? What do we have? . . . deckchairs . . . Titanic . . .

Those elected:

KPFA listener-delegates (Round 15):

Sharon Adams, Emma Auer, Cheryl Davila, Michael Cheng, Lily Kimura, Elizabeth Milos, Candice Schott, Mark Van Landuyt, Steve Zeltzer

… not elected: Carlos Kohan …

KPFA staff-delegates (R5):

Philip Maldari, Darlene Pagano, Richard Wolinsky

… not elected: Anthony Fest …

KPFK listener-delegates (R27):

Tatanka Bricca, Rachel Bruhnke, Ace Estwick, Aryana Gladney, Jan Goodman, Ralph Hawkins, Evelia Jones, Robert Payne, Harvey Wasserman

… The French Revolution moment: Beth ‘Queen Liz III’ Gunten got the chop in R19 – the people have spoken …

… also not elected: Doug Barnett, Nancy Pearlman, incumbent Ruth Strauss …

KPFK staff-delegates (R5):

Rodrigo Argueta Vargas, Wendell Handy, Oscar Ulloa

KPFT listener-delegates (R7):

Adriana Casenave, Elayne Duncan, Lynden Foley, Rob Lee, Cheryl Lynn, Marianne Martinez, Torry Mercer, Debbie Smith, Richard Uzzell

KPFT staff-delegates (R4):

Mike Lewis, Stuart Nance, Rick Norris

WPFW listener-delegates (R11):

Karen Briggs, Wayne Bruce, Michael Byfield, Vanessa Dixon-Briggs, Victoria Gass, Robert Gordon, Tony Leon, Mariah McClain, Dennis Williams

… not elected: director sleepwalker Donna Grimes …

WPFW staff-delegates (R3):

Verna Avery-Brown, Ambrose Lane (the son), Ronald Pinchback

WBAI listener-delegates (R23):

Gail Bey, Elliot Crown, Joan De Lorenzo, Paul DeRienzo, Eleanor Forman, Gloria Guillo, Mark Miller, Alejandrina Murphy, Cerene Roberts

… not elected: former director sleepwalker Carolyn Birden, incumbent Jack DePalma, busy cttee/working group attendee Bruce Greif, CAB Chair Neale Vos, LSB Secretary Kay ‘somehow I’m just unable to get the last 7 LSB audios posted at kpftx.org’ Williams …

WBAI staff-delegates (R7):

Simon Fitzgerald, Jim Freund, Sally Gellert

… not elected: former director sleepwalker Ralph Poynter …


[NOTE: the list below will be completed by Day X of the Gaza Genocide/Sociéticide. Meanwhile, this is worth reading, the plan of the criminal organisation, known as the Israeli government, disclosed for the first time on F20Oct by Attack Minister Gallant: “'[t]he third step will be […] the removal of Israel’s responsibility for day-to-day life in the Gaza Strip'”, made in his address to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defence Cttee – https://www.timesofisrael.com/gallant-says-after-hamas-vanquished-israel-will-seek-new-security-regime-in-gaza/.]

Here’s a list of the departing squatters, due to leave their LSB in Dec & the PNB in Jan, illegally plonked on their seats in virtue of the 20Oct2022 PNB resolution extending their uninterrupted time as a delegate beyond 6yrs (no pagination, but pp. 3-5 of the PDF) – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/221020/221020_8138_minutes.pdf:




WPFW: Julie Clueless

WBAI: James ‘wooden, wooden as a chair’ Sagurton


Despite the devastating news delivered by ED Steph ‘The Breeze’ to the Tu8Aug2023 PNB Finance Cttee, with almost $300k in the bank, . . .

. . . none of the attendees – five directors sleepwalkers & five station treasurers – asked ED Steph ‘The Breeze’ a crucial Q: how is it the insurances were terminated when you’ve just said that at the time Pacifica had “roughly $290,000” in the bank (sic)?https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/230808/finance230808a.mp3 (38:17) . . .

. . . why has PacificaWatch been banging on about the directors sleepwalkers sleepwalking, sleepwalking into the chainsaw? This is why. This is where refusing to be in financial control necessarily leads – and Pacifica hasn’t stopped descending: in fact, the critical money pressures, presented as the demands of creditors, have only just begun . . .


So what did ED Steph ‘The Breeze’ tell the world at the Tu8Aug2023 PNB Finance Cttee? Pacifica has lost most of its insurances.



“[w]e were informed yesterday by our insurance brokers, um, that as of late yesterday afternoon [M7Aug], a majority of the insurance policies for Pacifica have been cancelled due to non-payment. Um, we still have our workmen’s comp insurance, and we still have the health insurance, again thanks to the generous, urgh, support from KPFT, and also the funds of, um – the dollars of WBAI, and also the National Office. So what has been cancelled due to non-payment is the earthquake insurance in Los Angeles; the equipment insurance for all of the stations, including broadcast, studio and towers; the property and casualty insurance; the general liability insurance; the excess liability insurance; and the media liability insurance.”

Executive Director Stephanie Wells (40:24, emphases added; her report starts at 33:30), Tu8Aug2023 PNB Finance Cttee – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/230808/finance230808a.mp3

Bears repeating:

[s]o what has been cancelled due to non-payment is the earthquake insurance in Los Angeles; the equipment insurance for all of the stations, including broadcast, studio and towers; the property and casualty insurance; the general liability insurance; the excess liability insurance; and the media liability insurance.”

It’s official: Pacifica is now not just flying blind financially, out of control in a tailspin, but doing so without insurance.

No doubt the breakers have informed the Federal Communications Commission, & the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

No doubt the breakers have informed Pacifica’s two lenders with liens on all its property, the Foundation for the Jewish Community (operating as FJC), & the Small Business Administration (a federal agency). The loans? Totalling ~$4.7m, & both in default, with the SBA having now washed its hands of Pacifica, passing on the $2.080m debt to “the US Treasury collections department” (53:32) – although she didn’t say it, this is its Bureau of the Fiscal Service … https://fiscal.treasury.gov/cross-servicing/.


So seven kinds of insurance cancelled. Leaving how many? Just the two itemised by ED ‘The Breeze’? Probably not quite. Perhaps not to antagonise those now stripped of protection, ‘The Breeze’ was silent on the insurance covering her own work, & that of the directors sleepwalkers: the famed D & O insurance, directors & officers.

D & O.

Of this . . .

. . . she made no mention . . .

. . . & no-one asked.

Best stay mum.

So let’s just say, given the motivating power of self-interest, it’s hard to believe that this policy had already lapsed or been terminated. And as no-one mentioned it, it’s rational to conclude that the blobs at the top are still looking after #1 – yet another compounding of their illegal extension of delegates’ terms, made at the 20Oct2022 Pacifica National Board, done by discarding, overriding, the by-laws’ “and in no event” stricture. Animal Farm.

https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/221020/221020_8138_minutes.pdf (unpaginated, but pages 3-5 of the PDF), & https://pacifica.org/indexed_bylaws/art4sec8.html


And something else is puzzling: why did last nite’s news come out of the blue? Only five days before, Th3Aug, the PNB had met, with not a hint of what was hurtling towards them. Why hadn’t Steph ‘The Breeze’ warned the directors sleepwalkers? If she was on top of things, she would’ve.

. . . but she isn’t.

. . . so she didn’t.


Another obvious Q, people: why hadn’t Steph ‘The Breeze’ asked the PNB to order emergency fundraising?

Is she so lacking in financial & organisational judgement that she’s unable to rationally prioritise where spending should be made?

Ask the Q, get the A.


But most puzzling of all is that the cash was already there, just waiting to be spent:

before dropping the insurance bomb, Steph had this to say: “[w]e have, um, as of last week, the amount of cash on hand in the bank, was, urgh, through all the divisions – is roughly $290,000

Executive Director Stephanie Wells (38:17, emphases added), Tu8Aug2023 PNB Finance Cttee – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/230808/finance230808a.mp3

The cash was there.

Steph ‘The Breeze’ just didn’t prioritise preserving the insurances – or at least most of them.


One may claim that the ~$290k was already spoken for – payroll being the obvious item. But that cash balance (reconciled? unreconciled? – Steph, as usual, was silent on this crucial matter) was after paying payroll by the previous Friday, the transfer of $210k or so having been made to Paylocity (inferred from what ‘The Breeze’ said at 38:50).

Per the Feb2023 consolidated net income statement, thru Feb2023 the two-week payroll averaged $216 133 … (2331146 ÷ 151) x 14, https://mega.nz/folder/RR8XmaAB#kEhHjAFTec2X_Z6CzAC5dw; https://www.paylocity.com/


We know the score. Pacifica decision-makers don’t make key decisions based on having evaluated time-scaled costed scenarios – witness the 27Oct2022 PNB decision to sell the Los Angeles land & building, without doing a comparative analysis of selling either the Berkeley or Houston property – or some other time-scaled costed scenarios. And Steph ‘The Breeze’ orders the paying of creditors according to a mere, bare list – rather than basing decisions on a cashflow forecast (let alone a set of temporally-nested ones) used in combination with the reconciled purchases ledger control account . . . if she did, she would have mentioned it, rather than showing she’s being blown from pillar to post, desperately clutching onto her list – making her breezier than in her previous jobs.

But she doesn’t bear ultimate responsibility. That lies higher up, with the 21 directors sleepwalkers having chosen to refuse to provide fiscal management of Pacifica’s assets – not least by choosing to maintain a station personnel costs structure where 54% goes to one station, KPFA, therefore preventing the current optimising of total marginal gain thru the implementation of a network development plan.

Station personnel costs (the 5mths thru Feb2023), per the Feb2023 set of net income statements: KPFA $1 063 553, KPFK $374 392, KPFT $11 018 (sic), WPFW $283 031, WBAI $248 220 … totalling $1 980 214 … so KPFA = 1063553 ÷ 1980214 = 53.708% … https://mega.nz/folder/RR8XmaAB#kEhHjAFTec2X_Z6CzAC5dw

It is what it is.

So it goes.


Rob’s just joshing – it’s only CA law that makes him say, “An organization that is listed as delinquent is not in good standing and is prohibited from engaging in conduct for which registration is required, including soliciting or disbursing charitable funds” – 3July2023 CA Attorney General letter to Pacifica

Exactly one month ago:

. . . “DELINQUENCY NOTICE AND WARNING OF ASSESSMENT OF PENALTIES AND LATE FEES, AND SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF REGISTERED STATUS” – at the Registry depository, https://rct.doj.ca.gov/Verification/Web/Search.aspx?facility=Y, pump in ‘Pacifica Foundation’, then on the generated webpage, at the bottom of Filings & Correspondence, click on “RCT-451-S Delinquency Notice – 1st”, a ‘451’ . . .

Nothing to worry about: PacificaWorld has nothing to do with RealWorld – especially as the directors sleepwalkers are too busy sleepwalking.

Rob’s just being difficult, awkward. Rob’s just being pedantic, letter of the law & all that. Rob’s just going thru the motions, mechanically pumping out letters, justifying the size of the department – nothing’s going to happen. RealWorld law is for other people, not the directors sleepwalkers.

When CA AG Rob Bonta effectively tells the directors sleepwalkers that they must instruct Executive Director Steph ‘The Breeze’ to instruct all Pacifica employees to stop working, & to freeze all Pacifica’s bank accounts, & to stop asking for money, & to stop paying creditors – when Rob says Pacifica “is prohibited from engaging in conduct for which registration is required, including soliciting or disbursing charitable funds”, Rob’s just joshing.

The directors sleepwalkers can just carry on like Trump.


. . . “Delinquent” & “Delinquent”: the 1st & 2nd webpages brought up when applying ‘Pacifica Foundation’ to https://rct.doj.ca.gov/Verification/Web/Search.aspx?facility=Y . . .

[UPDATE: same status one week later, Th10Aug . . . UPDATE OF THE UPDATE: ditto, two weeks later, Th17Aug (despite the verbal assurance of ED ‘The Breeze’ to that evening’s PNB – well, at c. 0042 EDT, F18Aug (sic; 2h51 into the meet), with still having to go back into a closed meeting (sic) – ‘The Breeze’ simply making an assertion (the weakest kind of declaration there is), citing neither documentary evidence, public or otherwise, nor anything as precise as a date, such as when Rob gave Pacifica the 👍 or when she thinks she ‘cured’ the delinquency) . . .]


This is nothing new: the reality arose in Aug2022, & even now it hasn’t been acknowledged in any Pacifica public meeting or document by an employee, or a director, or any other delegate – deliberate concealment by some, lamentable ignorance by the rest, all persisting for more than 11 long months . . . with only the occasional ray of transparency delivered in a rare remark from the attending plebs. And the silence lies heavy on this 3July letter – it being studiously kept out of the slops served to the public, floating in neither the so-called ‘ED report’ to the PNB nor the ‘Chair’s announcements’ to the PNB Finance Cttee. Despite these obstructions, these practices in opacity, readers of this blog are well aware of the reality: it was last noted in the 21May2023 post, & it was fully explained on 4May2023, in passages replete with all those irritating links to those irritating rules & documents (please see the 2nd section).

https://pacificaradiowatch.home.blog/2023/05/21/10-topics/, & https://pacificaradiowatch.home.blog/2023/05/04/recommending-ed-wells-to-pnb-as-the-so-called-interim-nes-w3may2023-pnb-elections-cttee-plus-missing-audio/


[UPDATE: despite the denial by ‘The Breeze’ in Aug, sure enough, Pacifica was sent a second delinquency notice, a ‘451A’, dated 15Sep. That’s what happens when a delinquency isn’t cured.

[It’s an escalatory notice: “NOTIFICATION TO THE FRANCHISE TAX BOARD [original caps & bold]”. Oh. What does that mean? “The California Franchise Tax Board will be notified to disallow the tax exemption of the above-named entity and may revoke the organization’s tax exempt status at which point the organization will be treated as a taxable corporation (Rev. & Tax. Code, § 23703) and may be subject to the minimum tax penalty.”

[It repeated the key part of the first notice: “An organization that is listed as delinquent is not in good standing and is prohibited from engaging in conduct for which registration is required, including soliciting or disbursing charitable funds. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 11, § 999.9.4.)” – emphases & bold added.

[This second notice is in the linked depository, next to the first, & is denoted “RCT-451A-S Delinquency Notice – 2nd”.]



as of Sa16Dec, Pacifica remains delinquent.



Sagurton, Dingeman, Rhodes & Salaam sleepwalk WBAI into the grave, doing the work of the breakers. Thank you for your lack of leadership

. . . Vasily Vereshchagin, The Apotheosis of War, 1871 . . .

Another scandal is that no-one these days knows of VV. And it’s remarkable that this painting isn’t as pervasive in everyday imagery as the blue & yellow flag – it hasn’t even been recycled by political cartoonists, especially surprising in the case of Steve Bell, a prized victim of his employer, the UK’s Guardian. (The Guardian: the rag that gleefully led the smear that Corbyn et al. were racist towards Jews, rather than opposed to Jewish-Israeli supremacism, the reality of subjugating Palestinians.)

VV made this when he was 29, in the year of the Paris commune. Bigger than a coffin, on its frame he inscribed his dedication: “to all great conquerors, past, present and to come”. Found so shocking, it was banned in Russia, &, when it toured, German & Austrian troops were forbidden from seeing it.



WBAI ran an emergency fundraiser last Friday, 28July. 9am thru midnight. 15hrs. It was, frankly, astonishing. And we’re not referring to the refrain of a Nina Simone song heard that evening at the start of director Shawn’s own brought-forward programme, Midnight Ravers:

The website simply said this was an emergency fundraiser. It gave no financial information – you know, numbers, those handy things for indicating the scale of it all. Oh no. Just certain bills happen to be unpaid. Best not alarm the natives; appear as in full control; business as usual. Ok, throw in the emergency’ word, stir up some enthusiasm, but play it deadpan, don’t be alarmist, keep the contrived ambivalence well & truly under wraps. WBAI, a bit hard up – what’s new. Simply something to get over. Mustn’t appear as Peter who cried wolf.


So station manager Berthold played mum. Not a word on the website. Not a word. No statement from ‘the leader’, an appeal, trying to rally the listeners, members, & staff. And not a word on-air – not even Berthold speaking to the listeners, making a pitch every hour, on the hour. Zilch. Ostrich on Atlantic Avenue.

No fundraising goal was either stated or mentioned – by anyone.

And no info on how things went. As of Monday evening, nothing on the website. How much was pledged? How much cash has cleared?

What does this all mean? Who hasn’t been paid? Who’s not going to get paid? Whose hours have been cut? Whose hours are going to get cut? Who’s been fired? Who’s going to get fired? What arrangement has been made with the studio/office landlord? The tower landlord? The call-centre?

Let’s be real: it’s beyond all this. There’s only one Q: is there any way to not become a repeater station, fed by KPFA & Moe Thomas?

(And removing the WBAI staff allows the breakers to win a new referendum, giving them the Pacifica constitution they themselves write.)


Why has it come to this? It’s obvious from the public record that the so-called anti-breakers never effectively challenged the breakers’ mantra of station self-sufficiency, their misrepresentation of what’s in the articles of incorporation (as fully explained, numerous times, on this blog – the latest, https://pacificaradiowatch.home.blog/2023/05/21/10-topics/). And the anti-breakers have proven themselves unable to even think about a vision for Pacifica – let alone present a formulation, or even a sketch. No. They’ve been devoid of ideas. All they’ve managed to come up with this year is being nice to the breakers: Julie Clueless, chair of the Pacifica board, the blob at the top, helping them take over KPFK governance, & she now sits back as they go offense, driving on to oust Michael Novick, the unpaid, temporary station manager. (Enter Ali Lexa, stage left.)

So no surprise the anti-breakers have shown themselves incapable of devising a network development plan, a plan applying the principle of optimising total marginal gain, turning an aggregation of stations into a unitary network – this principle requiring a spatial revolution in the treatment of money, in the relationship between where funds are raised & where they are spent: making some of the allocation rules those of positive discrimination, mitigating the histories of each station, not least their initial endowment, & focusing on the future by allocating funds where it’s decided they’re most needed. But then they’re so incompetent they can’t even get to meetings, can’t even reach quorum at the PNB Strategic Planning Cttee.

In practice, collusion with the breakers.

Reducing Pacifica to what?

A pile of desiccated skulls.


[AI was not used in the making of this post. And neither were any animals harmed or killed. (Has to be said coz WordPress now gives an AI option, including choosing a tone for the composition.)]


[Kagarlitsky: “On July 26, the FSB detained Boris Kagarlitsky, a well-known left-wing theorist, activist and commentator. Following his arrest, he was transferred [1 000km, over 600 miles] from his home city of Moscow to a pre-trial detention center in Syktyvkar, the Komi Republic, where he will be held until late September (at least). Kagarlitsky has been charged with ‘justifying terrorism’ and could face up to seven years in prison. His colleagues from the YouTube channel Rabkor [111k subscribers – eat yer heart out, Pacifica!] have also been interrogated in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Penza, and their apartments searched.” Jailed under Brezhnev, arrested under Yeltsin, now repressed under Putin. https://mailchi.mp/6fdb35231804/poslemedia-weekly-newsletter-13558212?e=d5f3a4dbae ]


“Something’s happened today”, says Teresa Allen gravely. What? Audio of the Th1Dec2022 PNB – another recording not yet in the Pacifica meetings archive

This is becoming an unfortunate habit, the relevant Pacifica decision-makers & workers not bothering to post the audios of meetings, or doing so late. Low priority. Or not even registering. This has the anti-democratic effect of materially restricting the dissemination of knowledge (not simply info), plus discouraging the involvement of new peeps, especially those under the age of 70. The latest example is Thursday’s PNB meet. The same thing happened for two meets on Wednesday – still not posted at https://kpftx.org/archive.php as of 1600 MT, Su4Dec:

W30Nov2022 WBAI Finance Cttee … start missing, https://mega.nz/file/ZUcygI4C#0etbbbWJ5SnIAcEjZmByWU7491VHhhF16o-YSsJ2vfc (1h26m, 122MB)

W30Nov2022 PNB Strategic Planning Cttee … start missing, https://mega.nz/file/ldU0GB6S#-HWgLhVV21K8CsCd7h1xf0Z8-5-aiH-r6v3TmF-Y068 (1h01m, 86MB)

Another meet that day, the KPFK Finance Cttee, was posted within the hour: it can be done, people, as Cerene would say.


[UPDATE: crucial news is at the end of this post.]


Link, where the audio of the Th1Dec PNB can be listened to or downloaded: https://mega.nz/file/IA0BSQgJ#bCEVPCoKuaWgoPrBC7hPV4lfO8My1VnNLXPpWeZWuzQ (1h35m, but file is 3h00m; 203MB)

Notable in the meeting was this:

Teresa Allen (KPFT listener-delegate) saying solemnly, slowly, with great gravity, “[s]omething’s happened today” (11:12). Oh.

Oh dear. And she asked the Chair if it’s on the agenda for the closed meeting, & as the first item. Within seconds an interjected “yes” was heard from a KPFA staff-delegate, Darlene Pagano. (So a KPFA matter?) Then came a slow, purposeful nod from PNB Chair Julie ‘I’m so corrupt I’m insisting that Eileen Rosin is a delegate even though her 6yrs expired on 22June’ Hewitt.

Wonder what alarmed Teresa, wonder what happened? Does anybody work for Teresa, at her sour cream creamery? If so, please drop PacificaWatch a line, at pacificawatch@tutamail.com.

Off-topic, I know, but there should always be room for hearing a heart-warming story: Teresa must feel so at home surrounded by all that sour produce. Some peeps are so lucky, finding their niche in the world. Truly blessed. Can we have a hallelujah? . . . Hallelujah!!! Can we have a hallelujah? . . . Hallelujah!!! Can we have a hallelujah? . . . Hallelujah!!! Praise the Lord!



[Our answer is revealed by the Vernile court docs. It’s about the seized $304 986.00. It seems that Th1Dec was when the Pacifica directors, as a group, found out. The docs have some real peculiarities – not least the deposition from Maria, KPFA’s business manager, made in support of Vernile & against her employer, Pacifica Foundation, Inc.: “declaration of Maria Negret in opposition to application for post-judgment ex parte relief”. A true volunteer: “if called as a witness I could testify”. In for a penny, in for a pound.

[An oddity is her physical evidence that the money was seized on W23Nov – yet she implies that the first anyone at Pacifica learnt of this was M28Nov (sic). She further implies that for the best part of 3days the news was kept at KPFA, with her sharing it with KPFA LSB Chair Christina ‘Nurse Ratched’ Huggins & GM Antonio Ortiz – and presumably others. It was only at c. 0905 PT, on Th1Dec, that ED Wells was informed (double sic) – who no doubt passed on the glad tidings to General Counsel Arthur Schwartz. Don’t you just luv it?

[If the Lord grants a minion strength, then the court docs will be written up – as ‘The Strange Case of Maria & the Cockatoo’. Can’t be fairer than that.]


The last time Pacifica had audited net assets? 10yrs ago, 30Sep2012 . . . So, yes, zombie public charity

. . . 10yrs on: the last time Pacifica had audited net assets was 30Sep2012 . . . audited net liabilities went as far south as $4 525 638, at 30Sep2016 . . . the latest audited net liabilities are $1 241 649, at 30Sep2021 . . . almost all of the improvement, 99.5%, is due not to operating performance but the auditor agreeing to three adjustments to total liabilities – screenshot of the FY2013 auditor’s report (page 3; page 5 of the PDF), https://pacifica.org/finance/audit_2013.pdf . . .

Zombies? Yes, zombies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_company

When did Pacifica last have audited net assets? That was 30Sep2012, $495 924. It was wiped out by the FY2013 loss of $2 824 046.

The zenith for audited net assets had been $7 684 012, at 30Sep2006. (Note that the higher figure in the FY2008 auditor’s report was restated downwards in the following year’s report.) FY2006 was indeed Pacifica’s last annual net income until it earnt an audited one for FY2020 . . .

. . . 13yrs of financial – and political – failure: the times of war against Afghans & Iraqis, of Obama hope & the $$$ crash, of Trump. Year after year when the directors responsible for Pacifica – with all these opportunities before them – proved they couldn’t turn a penny. Not one penny. Failures. All of them. No vision. No plan. No self-awareness that they failed – repeatedly. No recognition of their limitations – the need to ask for help from experts. No humility. No grace. So, arrogant. Zombies too.

One needs to say ‘audited’ coz for FY2019 NETA did present a net income to the auditors, but they effectively rejected it: they refused to express an opinion on the material accuracy of the three financial statements given to them coz they were unable to agree with NETA an evidenced estimate of the pension plans liability. In the jargon, the auditors issued ‘a disclaimer of opinion’ – auditor’s report (p. 2; p. 4 of the PDF), https://pacifica.org/finance/audit_2019.pdf.

(In the consideration here, highs & lows, it’s adequate to use data in money terms, not real terms, coz in the period there hasn’t been enough inflation to distort the meaning of the plain figures.)

The failing of Pacifica found expression in successive annual losses &, as its correlate, falling net assets, & during FY2013 these turned into net liabilities.

The nadir of audited net liabilities was $4 525 638, at 30Sep2016. This sum may even be an understatement because those financial statements had the added uncertainty of receiving a qualified opinion from the auditors – auditor’s report (pp. 1a-1b; pp. 3-4 of the PDF), https://pacifica.org/finance/audit_2016.pdf. Furthermore, until the 2019 Democracy Now! event mentioned below, net liabilities were presumably even greater coz NETA presented a loss for both FY2017 & FY2018, statements that were met by disclaimers of opinion from the auditors (in the URL above, just insert the relevant year).


Things have since improved. The latest audited net liabilities, at 30Sep2021, are $1 241 649, a shift of $3 283 989. However, this has had little to do with operating performance – 5yrs of trying yielding a mere $16 566, unaudited (coz it involves the FY2019 record that was effectively rejected) – and was all down to three liabilities adjustments agreed to by the auditors, one in each year of the FY2019-FY2021 period:

• $427 677, the ‘KPFA property tax hiccup’ (convincing the California State Board of Equalization to accept that the tax shouldn’t have been levied) – FY2021 auditor’s report (p. 4; p. 6 of the PDF), https://pacifica.org/finance/audit_2021.pdf

• $477 918, provision for the pension plans liability (this portion was eliminated when Pacifica finally rectified the neglect). And now? Is there neglect? Even negligence? Are the two 2019 pension plans audits completed & filed with IRS, etc.? The two for 2020? The two for 2021? Have those auditors been paid in full for their work? . . . Not a word, from the PNB Finance Cttee, or the PNB Audit Cttee, or the directors sleepwalkers . . . The two plans: a 403(b)-defined contribution retirement plan, & a profit-sharing plan (sic); they are known in Pacificese as ‘the 403(b) Plan’, & ‘the Pacifica Retirement Plan’ – FY2020 auditor’s report (pp. 5, 24-6; pp. 7, 26-8 of the PDF), https://pacifica.org/finance/audit_2020.pdf.

And the recent cost to the Pacifica members & the other donors? It’s disclosed in the auditor’s reports. To take the FY2017 one, the total is in the functional expenses statement, p. 7 (p. 9 of the PDF), with the previous year’s on the next page; & the sum for each plan is in a note, p. 21 (p. 23 of the PDF). The charge for the last five years (total, 403(b), profit-sharing): FY2017, $150 288, $61 736, $88 552; FY2018, $103 944 (incorrectly given as $103 940), $52 540, $51 404; FY2019, $134 640 (incorrectly given as $134 741), $53 202, $81 438; FY2020, $120 067 (an incorrect figure was given, see below), $58 289, $61 778; FY2021, $126 279 (ditto, see below), $65 439, $60 840. These total as $635 218, $291 206, $344 012. (And the year before this period, FY2016? $425 399, $70 483, $201 941 – with no explanation by the auditor of the unidentified $152 975. An ‘indeed’ – to both the anomalous total charge (x~3), & the absent explanans. And to the 6yr charge being >$1m.)

Note, the FY2020 & FY2021 auditor’s reports give three wrong totals in the functional expenses statements: they’ve solely taken the 403(b) plan figure. Presumably the profit-sharing total was mis-posted to “Employee benefits”. Not spotted either year by the auditors, the PNB Audit Cttee, or the PNB. The FY2020 error was repeated in the ‘copy & paste’ into the FY2021 auditor’s report – will anyone stop them next year? Auditor’s report, FY2020, p. 7, p. 9 of the PDF; ditto, FY2021, pp. 6-7, pp. 8-9 of the PDF.

Odd is the very wide range of per capita 403(b) charge between the operating units (formerly termed ‘the divisions’). For FY2020: WPFW $268, WBAI $283, stepping up to KPFK $640, KPFA $668, KPFT $733, & all contrasting with PNO (includes PAN) $1 953, PRA $2 168. Why? (Sources: auditor’s report FY2020, & Oct2021 NETA-produced net income statements (using the comparative). FY2021 data can’t be used coz the NETA figure is way off the auditor’s: auditor agreed the total charge as $65 439, but NETA has $55 244 (Oct2021 set). Whereas the FY2020 totals are, respectively, $58 289 & $58 317. The unit-level charge isn’t in the auditor’s report, only the monthlies: KPFA $19 026, KPFK $16 317, KPFT $2 200, WPFW $2 282, WBAI $2 119, PNO (includes PAN) $8 787, PRA $7 587. The number of full-time equivalents is computed using $80k (see appendix to the 19Nov2021 post) as the per capita personnel cost: KPFA 28.5, KPFK 25.5, KPFT 3, WPFW 8.5, WBAI 7.5, PNO (includes PAN) 4.5, PRA 3.5, totalling 81.)

• $2 361 828, the write-off of the Democracy Now! debt – FY2019 auditor’s report (p. 4; p. 6 of the PDF), https://pacifica.org/finance/audit_2019.pdf. It was first publicly disclosed by Pacifica Executive Director Maxie Jackson, to the 12Mar2019 PNB Finance Cttee (17:53) – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/190312/finance190312a.mp3. No-one asked why Amy waited 5mths to tell Pacifica. And no Pacifica employee or officeholder has described how DN! chose to manage that debt, but it is in their public record (especially the 2017 IRS Form 990, stamped received 20Nov2018): debt at 31Dec2017, $2361828 = 807000 (doubtful debt provision made FY2012, so both removing it as an asset from its balance sheet (but still leaving it money that Pacifica owed: it wasn’t being treated as uncollectible, a bad debt), & charging it as an expense) + 777000 (FY2017, both removing it as an asset from its balance sheet, & charging it as an expense, in the form of a grant) + 777828 (FY2018, ditto). Like in Iraq, a phased withdrawal. (Obvious Q, asked by no-one: has Pacifica Foundation, Inc. been invoiced since 31Dec2017 for airing DN!, now getting on for 5yrs? That Pacifica may be getting it for nowt or close to is suggested by the change in the pattern of DN!’s annual total broadcasting fees, FY2005-FY2020, with the level falling across 2012-14 from $1.1m to <$200k – when it was decided to start to unload Pacifica from the balance sheet, beautifying the accounts receivable figure, putting a stop to its rise, avoiding a flashing red light.)

DN! is the commodity of Democracy Now! Productions, Inc., founded in 2002 (per its 990’s). How’s it doing? FY2020, coinciding with the calendar year, per their latest 990 (the auditor’s report wasn’t filed with the NYS Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, https://charitiesnys.com/): total revenue $11 442 800, total expenses $8 267 813, net income $3 174 987; total assets $36 302 179, total liabilities $659 173, net assets $35 643 006. (And Pacifica? FY2020, thru 30Sep2020, link above: total revenue $11 507 060, total expenses $11 241 966, net income $265 094; total assets $3 689 886, total liabilities $4 916 323, net liabilities $1 226 437.)

FY2020 personal incomes from DNPI: Prez Amy, $220 823 (FY2005: $58 786), excluding the coiffeur, beautician, & wardrobe allowance; Secretary Juan, $37 411; Denis Moynihan, $124 146 (Special Projects Coordinator … & Juan’s hubby: https://ladailypost.com/amy-goodman-broadcasts-democracy-now-live-from-fuller-lodge-this-morning/); Thomas Burke, $113 224 (News Director) … then the admin heavies (showing the market-worth of newsgathering): Julie Crosby, $173 410 (General Manager; ex-Free Speech TV, https://www.democracynow.org/about/staff); Miriam Barnard, $152 938 (Director of Finance & Operations); Erin Dooley, $119 727 (Development Director) … & $0 for Chair Karen Ranucci (https://dignityandrights.org/team-member/karen-ranucci/), Director Sarah Jones (https://newrepublic.com/authors/sarah-jones), & Director Dan Silverman (related to Lorin et al.?).


[DNPI’s last filed 990 is dated 28Oct2021. So with another due soon it makes sense to do a post on the contrasting fortunes.]

Sleepwalking into the chainsaw: Chapter 11 . . . “we’re, you know, in a, you know, near Chapter 11 situation throughout the whole network”, director Dingeman, W28Sep WBAI Finance Cttee

. . . page 1 of Form B 201, VPFB, voluntary petition for filing for bankruptcy . . . 11 U.S.C., Title 11 United States Code (commonly known as the Bankruptcy Code), & its Chapter 11 is ‘Reorganization’; section-wise, 101-1532 & 1101-1195 – https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/uscode/2020/title11 . . .

Chapter 11: protected bankruptcy, for a wannabe phoenix. Forbes puts it succinctly: “[t]he goal is to keep your business afloat and keep creditors at bay while you restructure your debt obligations”. Restructuring to praps slow the speed of repayment, praps even get write-offs. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/debt-relief/chapter-11-bankruptcy/


“Chapter 11” was mentioned in passing at the W28Sep WBAI Finance Cttee by Jim ‘I know I talk a lot, but I know I’m the best at knocking it out’a the park, OK’ Dingeman (director semi-woke sleepwalker, & WBAI listener-delegate). Hence this post.

The D-Man:

[…] in situations like this, that is, you know, we, we’re, you know, in a, you know, near Chapter 11 situation throughout the whole network, […]

Jim Dingeman (4:31, emphases added), W28Sep WBAI Finance Cttee – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/wbai_fin/220928/wbai_fin220928b.mp3


Pacifica’s 9/11 = 11/11


The essence of Chapter 11, especially the main effects, will be described in another post, along these lines:

from the KPFA Protectors to the Fed Protectors: but who’s benefiting?

the automatic stay of creditor action (including by FJC or, if they sell the debt, by the Marty and Dorothy Silverman Foundation – please note, Miss Grace; even though, by Section 9.1 of the FJC loan agreement, the whole debt, $2 258 821, would otherwise immediately become due)

FJC ‘root’ loan agreement, § 9.1, page 14, being page 15 of the PDF, https://mega.nz/file/AI0iUYga#QzMtaBd0iRTZJ_YNmh2KZ1xKu7Qh_hQ6IcPMVkGWX94 (this agreement has been re-written, for things like maturity at 30Oct2024 – FY2021 auditor’s report, p. 17, being p. 19 of the PDF, https://pacifica.org/finance/audit_2021.pdf)

Pacifica management functions effectively as a trustee of the assets

debtor in possession – a concept in bankruptcy law, referring (in part) to the conditioned possession of property, its usage being supervised by the judge

the exclusive period of 120 days for management to file a plan for reorganisation & debt repayment

and what can the members do during the whole period – will the judge be their champion? . . . wishing on a star


A crucial matter is this. Will the current Pacifica fiduciaries – the passive ED Wells & the Fabian directors – survive scrutiny under Chapter 11 bankruptcy? The judge may be presented with evidence that Pacifica lacks competent fiduciaries for protecting its assets. Glaring evidence since 30June is that the directors have chosen not to hire a suitably qualified & experienced chief financial officer to be responsible for the financial management tasks mandated by California law – albeit a responsibility that ultimately remains with the directors. If persuaded, the judge will issue a rare order to the Office of the United States Trustee to provide a ‘case trustee’: new management in the house – 11 U.S.C., § 1104, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title11/pdf/USCODE-2020-title11-chap11-subchapI-sec1104.pdf; & https://www.justice.gov/ust-regions-r16 (re federal law, Pacifica is in the Central District of California, & its US Trustee is Peter C Anderson)


Sources on Chapter 11: law, process

In reading the law itself, the fed website encumbers it with annotations. Better flow is achieved by the Cornell University version, https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/11.

However, here are the primary sources:

mom, the fed site that spawns (clicking thru the pluses, ‘+’, gets to the latest version of Title 11, & any paragraph; on the PDF, the section #, like ‘§ 1121’, tops the page), https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/USCODE. (On the US Code itself, https://www.govinfo.gov/help/uscode.)

Title 11, opened up, showing the chapter headings, https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/uscode/2020/title11

handy PDF of its Chapter 11, Reorganization, annotated, free from the feds, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title11/pdf/USCODE-2020-title11-chap11.pdf

the official overview, Chapter 11 – Bankruptcy Basics, https://www.uscourts.gov/services-forms/bankruptcy/bankruptcy-basics/chapter-11-bankruptcy-basics

official guidance on filling in the bankruptcy application form, https://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/instructions-non-individuals-2015.pdf

the forms (including the one for Pacifica), https://www.uscourts.gov/forms/bankruptcy-forms

Form B 201 itself, https://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/b_201.pdf

Pacifica’s local US Bankruptcy Court, Central District of California, https://www.cacb.uscourts.gov/ (especially the ‘Rules & Procedures’ tab)

the Court’s local rules, https://www.cacb.uscourts.gov/local-rules

Pacifica’s local Office of the United States Trustee, UST (the body administering the process, the US Trustee Program), Central District of California, Region 16, https://www.justice.gov/ust-regions-r16

its guide on Chapter 11, Guidelines and Requirements for Chapter 11 Debtor in Possession, effective 1Sep2022, 13 pp., https://www.justice.gov/ust-regions-r16/file/ch11_debtors_possession.pdf/download. (A much more readable guide comes from the Middle District of Florida, the Orlando/Jacksonville area, Region 21, Operating Guidelines and Reporting Requirements for Chapter 11 Debtors in Possession and Chapter 11 Trustees, Oct2022, 14 pp., https://www.justice.gov/ust-regions-r21/file/ch11_guidelines_reporting_req.pdf/download.)

the MOR (Monthly Operating Report): strikes terror even into CPA’s on top of their game . . . this UST form is a stark indication of the standard of financial reporting demanded by the bankruptcy court – much higher than NETA ever provided – a report that has to be submitted every calendar mth, within 21days. This is the legal expectation of how a fiduciary has to behave financially. It stands in sharp contrast with the abdication of responsibility exercised by successive sets of directors sleepwalkers.

The form (4 pp.), UST Form 11-MOR (reference to Chapter 11), https://www.justice.gov/ust/file/1452406/download (there’s also a Mac version) … the instructions for filling it in (14 pp.), https://www.justice.gov/ust/file/1452396/download. The reporting becomes much less onerous once a reorganisation/repayment plan has both been approved by the judge, “confirmation”, & become “effective”: a calendar quarterly form (3 pp.), UST Form 11-PCR (Post-confirmation Report), https://www.justice.gov/ust/file/1452411/download … instructions (7 pp.), https://www.justice.gov/ust/file/1452391/download. All are linked from https://www.justice.gov/ust/chapter-11-operating-reports.

Secondary source:

54 no. Q&A, quite useful, https://arklatexlaw.com/practice-areas/bankruptcy/chapter-11-bankruptcy-reorganization-frequently-asked-questions/


NETA left 8 days early, Th22Sep, replaced by Markisha Venzant-Sampson. The Queen is dead, long live the Queen! . . . Meanwhile, without chopping KPFA’s ~31 FTE staff, Pacifica is sleepwalking into the chainsaw. So, impose a network development plan, using centralised control to destroy the fiefdoms! Solidarity!

. . . the PNB Finance Cttee: really more mature? 13yrs of Pacifica losses out of the 15 thru FY2021: more faced up to reality? Who’s less in denial? Who’s the baby? . . . the Cttee, ‘advising’ the directors sleepwalkers who have the legal duty as trustees to protect the assets that aren’t even theirs, but the ~40k members’ (~42.6k at 30June2021) . .

. . . foto of James Sagurton (Chair of PNB Finance Cttee, & WBAI listener-delegate), courtesy of P C Robinson, Observer-Tribune, on the occasion of Mitch McConnell visiting Mendham Township, where Chris Christie also lives, the Jersey Hills, Su15Dec2019, at the moment when the first cases were arising in Wuhan – https://web.archive.org/web/20191216234127/https://www.newjerseyhills.com/observer-tribune/news/videos-mcconnell-visit-to-mendham-township-sparks-impromptu-protests/article_9c540ab7-2533-5fe0-b695-a91ce3dc9e02.html (pic 2 of 5) . . .

. . . and Amerika is so conservative: Trump, no nip rings . . .

Meanwhile, back in PacificaWorld . . .

. . . Couldn’t even wait till Friday – of that week, let alone the one after. Emptied the fridge Thursday. Julia, looked around one last time, sighed, reached out to knock off the light, laughed: she’d forgotten, the power had been cut off. Yes, this really was the end. At least she was getting out with her sanity – or so she thinks. How would it be after the weekend? Adrenalin draining, PTSD descending? Hopefully NETA has a post-conflict rehab programme for returnees to RealWorld.


Nine sections:

🙏1🙏 the announcement – Th22Sep2022 PNB

🤲🏽2🤲🏽 no inkling, just Julia dozing – Tu20Sep2022 PNB Finance Cttee

•3• ED Steph’s “they’re opting not to use them” met by deafening silence from the directors sleepwalkers, & treasurers – Tu27Sep2022 PNB Finance Cttee

🙏4🙏 directors sleepwalkers never talk to the ED: 38 days of the 92 wasted in search for NETA’s replacement – Tu26July2022 PNB Finance Cttee & Su7Aug2022 PNB Personnel Cttee

🤲🏽5🤲🏽 Pacifica’s first NBM, National Business Manager, Markisha Deshaun Venzant-Sampson

•6• Markisha: why the secrecy? why the shielding?

🙏7🙏 what work is NBM KSM MBS MVS supposed to do?

🤲🏽8🤲🏽 is Markisha proximately responsible for the financial management tasks mandated by California law? If not, who?

•9• directors sleepwalkers must disclose the hierarchy of their decision rules, & its justification, how they’re addressing the debt-service crisis


🙏1🙏 The announcement – Th22Sep2022 PNB

This news broke at the Th22Sep Pacifica National Board (soon after 9:08, when Chair Julie Hewitt had discouraged questioning of the Executive Director – subtle). News courtesy of ED Stephanie ‘my contract means I have nothing to do with personnel & programming – I’m simply ED of the company’ Wells. Adding, this was NETA doing Pacifica a favour. Saving on 8days’ charge. https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/pnb220922/pnb220922a.mp3


They’re even rubbish at lying. Do they really think the listeners are stupid? Do they really think that no-one notices that ‘saving $8k’ is such an absurd thought? When desperate times demand quality & timely knowledge – not simply information – to have a chance of making quality decisions?

• A $8k saving, coming at the expense of there being no August net income statements, & no emergency interim mid September ones? An info deficit meaning that Pacifica is flying blind, with Navigator Steph peering into the gloaming, holding info (thru 31July) that’s almost 2mths out of date? Since when has it been to Pacifica’s advantage to dispense with timely knowledge collated, reviewed, supplemented, & interpreted by a certified public accountant?

• A $8k saving, coming at the expense of one last effort by an accounting professional like CFO Julia Kennard to finally convince the directors sleepwalkers of the PNB that they MUST instruct the ED to instruct the eight accounting unit managers that they instruct their bookkeeper to use the Great Plains system, so that Pacifica has a unitary accounting record, allowing the ED, unit managers, & business managers to see in quasi-real time the depth of the money crisis? (No-one seems aware that’s its old name: for many years it’s been Microsoft Dynamics GP – unless Pacifica’s version actually is from the 1990s.)

But that remedial action requires a recognition that nothing effective can be done in PacificaWorld without two conditions being satisfied: (a) centralised control, with the directors sleepwalkers using as their principal instrument the ED; & (b) the operation of a control structure – a transmission, enduring – so that the ED controls the station managers. But this would mean the destruction of the fiefdoms, replaced by a different polity, the rule of the centre over the periphery – a rule, in the normal democratic way, with the centre carrying out policies decided collectively by the directors, who in Pacifica’s case happen to be locally elected (call this whole arrangement democratic centralism). And that has proved impossible – the whole of this century.

• A $8k saving, coming at the expense of one last effort by Comrade Julia to take Pacifica to Shangri-La, to get the eight accounting units to use the same list of accounts, with the same definitions: the mythic chart of accounts?

Uniformity, standardisation, consistency. But in PacificaWorld, all are anathema: the spectre of totalitarianism, of authoritarianism, of interfering with local autonomy. But as Freddy said long ago, freedom stems from the recognition of necessity. Reality is obdurate. It can’t be wished away. Doing what has to be done, in circumstances largely not of one’s choosing, simply makes life that lil bit easier – comparing like with like, & saving time, making the audit prep easier & the audit itself cheaper.

But instead, what do we get? No director sleepwalker said a word. Not one.

Statement + silence, S + S.

The 8days: seems to total either $7 233 or $8 000. The NETA-produced monthlies habitually gave a monthly charge of $27 500 ($330k pa), & did so thru Jan2022, since when there have been three different figures (a fact never mentioned publicly), but Apr thru July it has been $30 417 ($365 004 pa, ~$365k, making it a neat $1k pd). Note, the annual rise, $35k, is an inflation-besting ~10.6% (Consumer Price Index – Urban per Dept of Labor, the year thru Mar2022 = 8.5% – https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm, Bureau of Labor Statistics).


🤲🏽2🤲🏽 No inkling, just Julia dozing – Tu20Sep2022 PNB Finance Cttee

Two days earlier, there was no inkling of what was to transpire. At the Tu20Sep PNB Finance Cttee, no suggestion that NETA was going to rip up the departure timetable. That apart, this meeting ranks as one of Pacifica’s weirdest. It was ridiculously short – 15mins8secs – given the scale, complexity, & seriousness of what’s happening. (But what do the members, all ~42.6k of them, deserve to know about what’s going on, what the plans are? Anyone would think they own Pacifica.)

ED Wells was there at roll-call, but not CFO Kennard. Although there had been a chat before the meeting: Sir James Chair James said Julia “did mention that she was gunna take a little rest [James chuckled; then paused, for effect]. We may need to wake her up” (1:42). Obviously thinking he was onto a winner, we then got: “Chair’s announcements is [sic], urgh, just tonight we’re going to have reports from the ED & the CFO – if we [chuckle, but no pause], if we get her out of her nap” (3:07). How we laughed. https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/220920/finance220920a.mp3

Julia never turned up.


CFO Julia Kennard also hadn’t been at the previous week’s PNB, Th15Sep: “she will not be here this evening”, said a stern Chair Hewitt (2:21). Of course no director sleepwalker asked why.

This meant the last time Julia had been heard was at the Tu13Sep PNB Finance Cttee (47:31). This meant there was no public goodbye. So even more reason for PacificaWatch to wish her & NETA a heartfelt adieu! A rare ray of competence, that tried to help PacificaWorld flourish, rather than suffer. NETA performed as centurions – it was just that they were never allowed by ‘governance’ & ‘management’ to have troops. For four years. Adieu! https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/pnb220915/pnb220915a.mp3, & https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/220913/finance220913a.mp3

At the 13Sep meeting, Julia said she & Markisha were sharing the work on the Aug mthly net income statements, & they should be produced “by Monday [19Sep], & get them out for next week’s meeting [20Sep]” (49:36). Didn’t happen. At the 20Sep meeting, no-one asked why.

[UPDATE: as of M10Oct, 21days after delivery day, not a word. Is anyone surprised? Is Markisha simply unable to produce the statements? How long will she be trying to do the impossible?]

[2° UPDATE: the monthlies didn’t appear at the Tu11Oct PNB Finance Cttee. Neither on the agenda (draft, proposed, amended, accepted) nor mentioned. Guess they disappeared with the departure of NETA. A quirk of NETA – not standard reporting for the likes of a ~$11m-annual public charity. The Cttee members’ behaviour indicates they won’t miss the 9 mthly net income statements – guess they never found them useful or even interesting. https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/221011/finance221011a.mp3 & the b-audiofile]

[3° UPDATE: at the Th20Oct PNB, ED Wells, answering a question from Darlene ‘I know a thing or three about BDSM, & it’s proven invaluable at my LSB meetings’ Pagano (KPFA staff-delegate), declared that the Aug monthlies do indeed exist: “[t]he last one we had, umm, that was sent to the Board last month [so in Sep], was, argh, the year-to-date ending August” (18:21). Very odd: they’ve never been mentioned at the PNB Finance Cttee (not even a ‘where the hell are they?!?’); &, as is well known, the procedure for the monthlies is once they’re generated they go first to that cttee, not least for checking, & are then sent out to the 22 directors, the eight unit heads, the five LSB’s, & then on to the four LSB Finance Cttees (KPFA doesn’t have one – coz the LSB majority does its best, at all times, to stifle discussion & minimise participation by Pacifica members: who knows where questioning may lead). ED Wells also went on to give news of the Sep monthlies: “[w]e have not run a consolidated financials yet for the end of September, and Markisha should have that before the next Board meeting [Th27Oct]”. Given this evidence, (a) the PNB Finance Cttee is being cut out of the loop (how can they make informed decisions?!?), (b) the LSB’s & LSB Finance Cttees are being cut out of the loop, & (c) not even one of these excluded boards & cttees has made a public protest. Not for the first time, one needs to ask, why is it that within Pacifica, peeps behave in ways that (a) copy the opacity of our rulers, (b) copy the participation-stifling measures of our rulers, & (c) copy the submissive, indifferent ways that ‘activists’ are banging their heads up against? One should also note ED Wells’ usage of “we”: a Royal ‘we’, or is ED Wells violating California law (Corps Code, § 312(a); this sub-section also requires Pacifica to have a CFO (the “shall have”): which it doesn’t, & hasn’t effective 23Sep) & by-law 9/1, which prohibit an executive director also doing the work of the chief financial officer? The plebs, & the CA AG, deserve to know. https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/pnb221020/pnb221020b.mp3; https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=CORP&division=1.&title=1.&part=&chapter=3.&article=, & https://pacifica.org/indexed_bylaws/art9sec1.html.]


•3• ED Steph’s “they’re opting not to use them” met by deafening silence from the directors sleepwalkers & treasurers – Tu27Sep2022 PNB Finance Cttee

ED Steph ‘don’t look at me, I’m only the ED’ Wells, 8½mths into the job, dropped a bombshell at the Tu27Sep PNB Finance Cttee:

They have them [all the units have the Great Plains software]. That’s the key. They have them. They’re opting not to use them.

ED Stephanie Wells (14:51, emphases added), 27Sep PNB Finance Cttee – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/220927/finance220927a.mp3

‘They’ve opted out’. Making Pacifica what? A polity of actually existing fiefdoms.

And the response of the assembled? Of the 10 Pacificans on the Cttee, only WPFW Treasurer Nick ‘what have I done to deserve this?’ Arena was missing. (A cold? COVID? Maybe a migraine? No, station financial scandal.) So four treasurers were present. Not one responded. Not one. Silence. Deafening.

The scandal, all very hush-hush. The W14Sep LSB, an open meeting, was postponed to W28Sep. But it was then held in secret, closed to the public, violating by-law Art. 7, Sec. 6(C) & the CPB standard: the Zoom page never transitioned to a meeting; & there was neither a stream nor a phone #.

The scandal also involves station manager Jerry ‘I’ve been here since 2015, so give me a break! And it was ED Vernile who made me WBAI’s GM!’ Paris, more recently known as Jerry ‘the difference between a fund-drive statement, a cash account statement, & a bank reconciliation statement? – aren’t they the same?’ Paris. But a resolution was reached, with Nick & Jerry ending up in the Potomac, the local East River. Someone has to pay. Accounts have to be settled. The replacements? Nick’s is Kamau Harris (one of the three certified staff candidates in 2021 – for the three seats), whereas with Jerry they’re still too busy drowning him in the ‘evaluation process’. Nick had been on the PNB Finance Cttee since 19July2016 (he succeeded Eileen ‘it’s Ros-in’ Rosin) – was his passing regretted by Chair ‘wooden as a chair’ Sagurton? You know the answer. As if he never existed.

More important than the treasurers, also present were five directors sleepwalkers. Not one responded. Not one. Silence. Deafening.


And who were the Pathetic Five, the ones with the exalted legal fiduciary duty, as trustees, to protect Pacifica’s assets?

James ‘I may write in Counterpunch & design space instruments, but I can’t for the life of me come up with a vision for Pacifica’ McFadden (KPFA listener-delegate, & anti-breaker)

PNB Vice-Chair Beth ‘Queen Liz III’ von Gunten (KPFK listener-delegate, & anti-breaker)

Susan ‘I’m able to talk, so I’ll talk, & talk, & talk, & talk’ Young (KPFT listener-delegate, & breaker)

PNB Chair Julie ‘there’s only so much we can say in open session’ Hewitt (WPFW listener-delegate, & anti-breaker), &

Cttee Chair James ‘don’t look at me, I’m only the chair – a wooden chair’ Sagurton (WBAI listener-delegate, & anti-breaker).

You see why PacificaWatch said last July that the anti-breakers are, objectively, breakers? https://pacificaradiowatch.home.blog/2021/07/20/anti-breakers-you-re-politically-bankrupt-accept-reality-but-will-a-new-defender-of-pacifica-arise-qm-fat-chance/

Indeed, Julie Clueless, PNB Chair, was Zen-like thru’out this 39min meeting: she uttered a single word, “here”, at roll-call. I kid you not. And this behaviour of Julie Clueless has been consistent thru’out this whole crisis: bunny in the headlights.

Yes, simply unbelievable.

. . . Jim . . . bat . . . favour/misery . . .

(Julie Clueless was not alone in cosplaying as a near-perfect Quaker: two other directors sleepwalkers mimicked the leader, Jimmy Mac & Queen Liz III. Leading, all the way to the back.)

All this meant not one director exclaimed in astonishment,

‘Ms Wells, you are the executive director, & have been for 8½mths. You manage the station managers, & indirectly their underlings. So why on earth, Ms Wells, have you been derelict in allowing the unit managers & bookkeepers to objectively sabotage Pacifica’s tracking of money & debt accumulation?!?’

No. Her statement was met with the universal silence. Not even one word. (Where’s Twit Wit Radio when you need it?)

And not one director proposed a motion along the lines of,

‘Given the imperative for the ED & directors to know what the fuck’s going on, the PNB Finance Cttee cannot recommend too highly to the PNB that it immediately instruct ED Wells to ensure that all eight accounting units (the five stations, National Office, Radio Archives, & Affiliate Network) are comprehensively using the unitary Great Plains system as of yesterday, if not 10 years ago. We don’t have time for the whereas clauses: just to say, NETA tried for over four years, and were ignored & resisted by directors & managers alike. But now is now: now it’s up to you, Ms Wells. Impose yourself. Do your job.’

. . . ‘I’m just the ED. They can opt out if they want.’ . . .

. . . ‘We’re just the directors. They can opt out if they want.’ . . .

Sums it up, yes?

There you go, says Lydia.

[UPDATE, of the greatest importance: at the Tu11Oct PNB Finance Cttee, Markisha displayed her gross ignorance of the Great Plains problem – speaking, in a timeless way, as if there is no problem. In so doing, she demonstrated that the Great Plains problem remains a key expression of the generative reality, that is, of the Pacifica governance/management problem (25:25 – this is the b-file, https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/221011/finance221011b.mp3). Of course, no-one pointed out that there is a problem. Absolutely no-one. Not Julie Clueless, the most senior director sleepwalker, who said nothing. Not ED Wells, who said nothing. And not the other directors sleepwalkers (James McFadden, Beth von Gunten, Susan Young, James Sagurton), who all said nothing. Passive thru & thru. Trying to conceal reality. Unable to point out to Markisha the bombshell dropped two weeks before.

After all, if the problem had been overcome, then ED Wells, in particular, would have welcomed the opportunity to inform the world, & take the credit. But no. Complete silence.

After all, if the problem had been overcome, then where are the Aug monthlies, & where are the Sep monthlies?

• Markisha’s display also shows that she currently isn’t using Great Plains! Jesu. Pacifica is really flying blind . . .

. . . & if it goes into Chapter 11 bankruptcy, there’s every chance the judge will be presented with evidence that Pacifica lacks competent fiduciaries for protecting its assets, be they the passive ED Wells or the Fabian directors who, for example, have chosen not to hire a suitably qualified & experienced chief financial officer to be responsible, on their behalf, for the financial management tasks mandated by California law. If persuaded, the judge will issue a rare order to the Office of the United States Trustee to provide a ‘case trustee’: new management in the house Title 11 United States Code, section 1104, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title11/pdf/USCODE-2020-title11-chap11-subchapI-sec1104.pdf; & https://www.justice.gov/ust-regions-r16 (Central District of California; Peter C Anderson).]




🙏4🙏 directors sleepwalkers never talk to the ED: 38 days of the 92 wasted in search for NETA’s replacement – Tu26July2022 PNB Finance Cttee & Su7Aug2022 PNB Personnel Cttee

So that’s the kinda situation Markisha is supposed to work in. But before getting to the dynamo herself, what happened when NETA gave their notice?


For 38days.

ED Wells thought the directors sleepwalkers & their cttees were getting things ready. And the directors sleepwalkers thought the ED was racing ahead with things.

Don’t. Talk. To one another.

NETA gave their 3-mths’ notice on 30June2022. Seems no-one noticed. To make all this worse, strong hints must have been given weeks, or even months, before the blood splattered all over Steph’s desk, & the sluice gates opened up to turn her office into a drowning tank. The inner circle – ED Wells, PNB Chair Hewitt, privileged others – knew what was coming.

Despite this, the public record shows that Julie Clueless did nothing. Nor any other director sleepwalker. Absolutely nothing. This was evidenced by an episode at the 26July PNB Finance Cttee, https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/220726/finance220726a.mp3. Listen along.

This is how it went.

Director Sagurton: “Umm, I have a question for Julie and/or Stephanie. And that is, in terms of replacing NETA, I don’t, I don’t know where the discussions are on that [I’m only the Finance Chair]. Up to this point I know that there’s been some talk about, umm, trying to muddle on using internal resources for at least [a] period, umm. Don’t know what other explanations [sic] are being made. Argh, but let me just ask Stephanie first, and then I’ll ask a follow-up. Stephanie, do you need any further authorization from the PNB to start looking into how to replace the various functions that NETA provides – payroll, umm, H-HR, etc., accounting?” (20:31, emphases added).

[… you need any further authorization to start that process?’]

ED Wells: “It was my understanding that the PNB needs a – unless there’s a motion that’s g-going to be addressed on this upcoming meeting. I know, I know I thought something had been on the agenda for a while, that the Personnel Search Cttee was going to start that process. And I thought the Finance Cttee, this one, was going to determine what was needed as far as the CFO replacement” (21:21, emphases added).

[… ‘no: Personnel Search Cttee was going to do the starting’]

Director Sagurton: “Do you need any more authorization to do what you need to do? Or are you good?” (21:48, emphasis added).

[… ‘I don’t think you understand: I repeat my Q’]

ED Wells: “I’m under the assumption that since these are fairly large positions, that the Personnel Search Cttee or search cttee through the-a motion as approved by the National Office [sic; no, PNB] would start that process. But I don’t think that I have the [an “OK” interjection by Sagurton] I don’t think that I have the ability to-to hire an HR director or payroll person or finance person” (21:56, emphases added).

[… ‘I don’t think you understand: I repeat my A’]

. . . Kim put James out of his misery, saving the day . . .

KPFK Treasurer Kim ‘(sigh) yes, Bella (sigh)’ Kaufman: “[sigh] Kim to the stack [sigh]” (22:20).

. . . And, of course, The Leader of Pacifica, Julie Clueless, didn’t say a word. Bunny. Headlights.

Obviously, at the PNB meetings of 7 & 21July no director sleepwalker thought to ask ED Wells what she was doing to replace NETA – even as a prompt, to let the public know what’s happening. Or to ask her in a phone call or email.

And the Chair of the Board obviously hadn’t spoken with the ED for the best part of a month, because otherwise they would have created a timeline, & agreed any division of labour, on how to maintain from 1Oct some financial & pecuniary control over the affairs of the public charity known to California Attorney General Rob Bonta as Pacifica Foundation, Inc.

The Tu26July PNB Finance Cttee debacle provoked a response. It pushed the PNB Personnel Cttee into action. A gentle push: it met 12days later, Su7Aug.

Effectively, this was the last we heard – until everyone started using the ‘M’ word: Markisha. The idea of creating the post of National Business Manager was never broached in a Pacifica public meeting. Let alone there ever being a discussion. And no public meeting even mentioned the idea that there should be a discussion of how to cope with NETA leaving. So also from the local station boards, nothing. In fact, the 120 officeholders elected directly by the ~42.6k members have made it plain that the members deserve exactly what they get.


Enough of the past. Let’s go forward.

Although we’ll see that the present is marked by the past, & shapes the future. And despite what the directors sleepwalkers may think, wishful thinking is no more than it is, it doesn’t make things better. No, it deludes, it disorientates, it debilitates. It’s self-harming.


🤲🏽5🤲🏽 Pacifica’s first NBM, National Business Manager, Markisha ‘I’m so calm I could be basking in the Gulf – and yes, I’m cooler than Cerene’ Venzant-Sampson

Which brings us to Markisha. Markisha Deshaun Venzant-Sampson. The KPFT business manager & bookkeeper. Not on the station website – but then no-one is. Not even the station manager – violating all sorts of rules, regulations, laws. https://kpft.org/

Markisha. Now also the NBM, the National Business Manager.

Markisha ‘I’m so calm I could be basking in the Gulf – and yes, I’m cooler than Cerene’ Venzant-Sampson, to give her full PacificaWorld name – and yes, it deserves being given twice. But whether her serenity survives being NBM is another matter.

. . . after rush & sorority, there’s always the junior service league – and y’r local Pacifica station – Fort Bend/Southwest Star, 23May2012, page 14 . . . 2012, when Pacifica last had audited net assets at year-end: the $495 924 that was to be wiped out by the FY2013 loss of $2 824 046 – can’t say the directors sleepwalkers were never warned . . .

Markisha, a fixture at KPFT. She was Business Manager Markisha even in 2003:

. . . this was at the time of the Dixie Chicks scandal over the invasion of Iraq – screenshot of info provided at a reactionary website, 15Mar2003, responding to a statement in the Houston Chronicle by KPFT, https://freerepublic.com/focus/news/865218/posts, & https://www.chron.com/news/article/Chicks-tunes-pulled-after-Bush-remark-With-poll-2121802.php . . .

[UPDATE: two inferences from the Tu11Oct PNB Finance Cttee: Markisha is off the KPFT payroll; & her bookkeeping for KPFT is being paid by the National Office. There are three reasons for this. First, Chair Sagurton never referred to her as the KPFT business manager or bookkeeper, choosing to name her as the NBM (5:11), & saying she would be co-presenting KPFT’s FY2023 budget (5:37). Second, even during the proceedings of that item, at no point was Markisha described as a KPFT bod, be it as staff, employee, personnel, consultant, position-holder. For example, when station personnel was discussed (25:12), Markisha wasn’t included amongst the paid peeps: Howard Reynolds (engineer; the only full-time employee (25:12) – and, given what was said, & not said, he’s presumably the only station employee); & Robin Lewis (development, fund-drives, membership; the only contractor (25:18)). (The two paid workers were named in a recent Houston Chronicle article, 26Sep2022, on the KPFT station-move – https://preview.houstonchronicle.com/theater/after-50-years-two-bombings-and-a-notable-bullet-17462443.) Third & last, Chris Corey had a dialogue with M-Girl, all a bit nod-wink, mysterious (49:56): “Markisha, where are you on this budget […]?” — “I am no longer in this budget” — “[…] I understand why – there’s no need for you to explain that comment […]”. For the listeners, it was a Masonic, secret-society moment. Chair Sagurton didn’t function as the people’s representative, insisting on explication. Par for the course. https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/221011/finance221011a.mp3]

And before going into Markisha’s new workload . . .

•6• Markisha: why the secrecy? why the shielding?


Structurally, Pacifica had made itself reliant on NETA, as the range & depth of work grew. A prime part of any executive director’s work is to (a) identify risks, (b) outline coping scenarios, & (c) devise efficacious plans. No evidence has ever been presented that any of the seven relevant Pacifica ED’s have done any of this: in sequence, Tom Livingston, Maxie Jackson, Grace Aaron, John Vernile, Lawrence Reyes, Lydia Brazon, & Stephanie Wells.


• why no Pacifica open meeting discussion of how to cope with NETA leaving, that is, what policy to adopt?

• ditto, if a qualified accountant couldn’t be afforded, would it require the creation of a new post, something not done since whenever, if at all?

• ditto re the job description?

• ditto re the hiring process?

• ditto where to place adverts?

• ditto, if this new post can’t cover everything, what policy will allow the necessary other tasks to be performed?

• why didn’t the PNB Personnel Cttee, in open session, meet to discuss all this?

• why didn’t that Cttee pass a motion, in open session, making recommendations to the PNB?

• why didn’t the PNB, in open session, discuss such recommendations?

• why didn’t the PNB Personnel Cttee, in open session, discuss the mechanics, & timeline, of the hiring?

• why wasn’t her appointment, a Pacifica first, thought worthy of a public announcement at any Pacifica meeting or in any Pacifica statement?

• why was the M-word, ‘Markisha’, simply mentioned in passing?

So, summarily,

• (a) why was there no PNB open meeting when the directors decided their policy on how to cope without NETA?

• (b) why was there no PNB open meeting when the directors decided their policy to create this new post?

• & (c) given that this matter concerned personnel structure, not an individual employee – the post had yet to be filled – why did the directors choose to violate the open meeting requirement of the CPB, whose rules Pacifica management & officeholders are trying to adhere to in order to make an eligible application to join the Radio Community Service Grant Program, be it in May2023 or sometime this century?

The secrecy culture continues to cause a loss of trust.

Pacifica: a secret society. A self-harmer.


No director sleepwalker or the ED has described what Markisha is expected to do – let alone published a job description. All we’ve had is a job title. No-one has said she even has a bookkeeping qualification – let alone an accounting qualification. The directors sleepwalkers behave as if such thoughts have never crossed their minds.

[UPDATE: at the Tu11Oct PNB Finance Cttee, Chair Sagurton pointedly never mentioned that Markisha has either any bookkeeping or accounting or financial management qualification, or any bookkeeping or accounting or financial management experience. Instead, he said she’s been a Pacifica “business manager” for close to two decades – something quite different!; “has a BA in accounting” – something very different!; & “an MBA in business management” (5:11). And when Chair said, “do you want to take a moment to introduce yourself?” (8:14), Markisha declined (sic). So that’s how it’s going to be. https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/221011/finance221011a.mp3]

What’s been said in open meetings has been ‘no, Julia won’t be at the meeting . . . and no, neither will Markisha, “I don’t think for the short-run” . . . in fact, “I think we’ll let Stephanie give reports, and see how that goes”‘ (Julie Clueless (2:21), 15Sep PNB, https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/pnb220915/pnb220915a.mp3). Of course, no director sleepwalker said,

point of point, madam Chair: isn’t it true that the Board has yet to agree those two matters as policy – and this is eminently controversial: it prevents the directors, who have a legal fiduciary duty to protect the assets of the public charity, from doing their due diligence by directly asking Pacifica’s most senior financial officer, Markisha, what the hell’s going on?’

The plan seems to be an extreme example of the management of National Elections Supervisor Peñaloza: keep Markisha away from scrutiny, & if it’s impossible to quarantine her then say she’s incredibly busy with everything, she can only stay for 10mins, & then get her to give an 11min report so she can’t take any questions. Brilliant!

The inner circle will try to protect Markisha: they don’t want her to be driven out. So, keep her public appearances to an absolute minimum; warn cttee members to think about how they ask questions, & how far they push her; in fact, better to not even mention her, keeping the focus on Steph; etc., etc.

The plan now has a name: ‘the folded-in ruse’. Revealed by Julie Clueless, at the Th29Sep PNB Coordinating Cttee, just before the PNB met:

[p]reviously we had a ‘CFO report and Q&A’, & I b-believe going forward what we’re gunna do since we don’t, umm, tech-technically have a CFO – we have a National Business Manager – but-but the National Business Manager’s report is gunna be folded in with the, urgh, ED’s report, you know, the financials, umm, so we’ll call that just the ‘ED report and Q&A’, so I’m deleting the item that used to be the CFO report.

Julie Clueless (3:03, emphases added), W28Sep2022 PNB Coordinating Cttee, https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/coordinating/220929/coordinating220929a.mp3

The CFO is dead, long live the NBM!

. . . shielding . . . extend . . . life . . .

And again we got the presumption, an “I b-believe going forward what we’re gunna do […]” – of course, no director sleepwalker pointed out this isn’t Pacifica policy. Yup, this polity, strictly speaking, is a dictatorship, not a democracy. The Führerin speaks. This is law – it doesn’t even become law, & that’s because the Führerin is law: this is an identity, making transition impossible. Moreover, a speaking Führerin makes voting superfluous. And acceptance of the Führerin’s position means no-one speaks – indeed, their speaking is rendered superfluous for the Führerin speaks for them. Hail!

Meanwhile, given an absence of reassuring words, it’s obvious that Pacifica doesn’t have a single CPA under contract. Certified public accountant – the sort of person who can not only know what’s happening but, crucially, know the questions to ask, & the things to do, to give oneself the chance to discover what’s happening. A bookkeeper doesn’t live in this dimension. Ignorance can be an absence of knowledge, but it can also be the result of a lack of training, a lack of skills configured as competences, that need to be exercised, practised, allowing the opportunity to improve. And a key competence, especially when an organisation is stressed, is identifying the presence of absence. Lacking that, one can easily believe things are under some sort of control, that there’s an inner stability within the turbulence. When those at the centre of Pacifica ‘management’ & ‘governance’ think they’ve managed the latest storm, that they can now take a breather, that’s in fact a moment of great danger.

Which is why Markisha shouldn’t be shielded. Now, with no expert above her, more than ever she needs to be exposed to scrutiny because Pacifica will be seriously harmed if it’s actually the case that Markisha has been promoted beyond her competence – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle.

When the very existence of a ~$11m-annual public charity is on the edge, there can’t be a safe space for anyone. And no-one should be put in a place where they can’t cope. In rational money management, thus basing the accounting/money planning function upon knowledge, no expense should be spared: the alternative is too costly. It needs to be paid for – here, be it diverting some of the annual $365k NETA saving from baying creditors, or having to make redundant 1½ full-time equivalent KPFA employees (~$120k).

So maybe the shielding is to do with a disparity, known or suspected by the inner circle, between Markisha’s competences/habitual practice/experience/qualifications/training & the task before her. Let’s take a look.

🙏7🙏 what work is NBM KSM MBS MVS supposed to do?

Despite appearances, everything’s under control:

• Markisha can do the mthly 9 net income statements (the 5 stations, PNO, PRA, PAN, & consolidated) – get the Aug ones out by the end of Sep, the Sep ones out by mid Oct, the Oct ones by mid Nov, etc., etc.

• Markisha can do what no CFO has ever been able to do, get Maria to stop holding things up (this is KPFA’s business manager, Maria ‘if you don’t stop your nasty questions about the budget I’m off this call’ Negret – and, of course, her minion, even in these desperate times, “Bookkeeping Assistant, Angie Llarinas” – https://kpfa.org/contact/)

• Markisha can maintain, daily, KPFK’s bookkeeping

• (Markisha’s already doing KPFT’s bookkeeping)

• Markisha can maintain, daily, WPFW’s bookkeeping

• Markisha can maintain, daily, WBAI’s bookkeeping

• Markisha can ensure, daily, that Pacifica’s bookkeeping & accounting is done within a single system, the famed Great Plains – Markisha can do what x number of CFO’s have failed to do since whenever, & persuade the ED to get the managers of accounting units (so including PRA & PAN) to ensure that the bookkeepers use this system

• Markisha can produce, wkly, the 9 analysed aged payables reports (current, due within the contracted period; 1-30days late; 31-60days; 61-90days; over 90days late – note, one needs to take great care with the headings (these are not ‘days since invoiced’) coz otherwise one can misunderstand what’s stated, as evidenced when ED Wells gives info to the directors & treasurers). ‘Analysed’ means the identification of each individual invoice, by amount & date due, grouped by period (so 5 x 9 = 45 sub-lists)

• Markisha can produce, wkly, the 9 accrued expenses reports. (Accrued revenues reports, presumably, figure little – such as sub-carrier accounts.)

• Markisha can produce, wkly, 9 analysed aged receivables reports

• Markisha can produce, twice-wkly (if not daily), the 7 bank reconciliation statements (reconciling Pacifica’s books of account to the statements of tens of bank accounts) – and she can check that for KPFA produced by Maria, & PRA’s made by Mariana Berkovich, https://pacificaradioarchives.org/whos-who.

(PRA & KPFK share a building: how is it that PRA has kept a full-time business manager/bookkeeper whereas KPFK lost theirs in 2021, F1Oct, given that KPFK is x7 the size of PRA: FY2021, KPFK annual revenue $2.667m, PRA’s $392k? – p. 33, being p. 36 of the PDF, https://pacifica.org/finance/audit_2021.pdf)

• Markisha can produce, mthly, 9 general ledger reconciliation statements (reconciling Pacifica’s books of account to ‘the paperwork’ – invoices, receipts, bank statements)

• Markisha can produce, twice-wkly, the 9 cashflow statements

• Markisha can produce, twice-wkly, the 9 cashflow forecasts (for the obvious periods of 7days, 14days, 30days, 60days, 90days) – necessary, but not sufficient, to plan payments re the aged past-due accounts payable

• Markisha can collate – as a Pacifica first – the 7 sets of fund-drive performance data (pledge goal, total pledged, fulfilment rate, gross proceeds, cost of fundraising, net proceeds), for the 5 stations, plus Radio Archives, & National Office

• Markisha can also set up a system to produce, mthly (if not wkly), 9 balance sheets

• Markisha can produce all the rates of change reports that are needed, as & when

• Markisha can produce all the comparative reports that are needed, as & when

• Markisha can both devise the chart of accounts, & ensure its consistent application by all 8 accounting units

• Markisha can evaluate the design & procedures of the internal audit system she inherited from NETA, make all necessary changes, & twice-mthly & mthly perform all necessary exercises

• Markisha can do the basics of preparing for the FY2022 audit, with the audited financial statements contractually needed by FJC by 28Jan2023: (a) producing the 8 unit FY2022 trial balances, (b) consolidate them, & then (c) produce the 3 draft financial statements, & send them to the FY2022 auditor (the PNB Audit Cttee has yet to discuss whom to recommend to the PNB), before (d) girding herself for the tortuous liaison with the auditor, mth after mth

• Markisha can complete, & file, all the pecuniary forms required by creditors (such as re the $2 258 821 from FJC, & the $2m from the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan programme), regulatory & tax bodies (FCC, state authorities, federal authorities), & even grantors, prospective (CPB, say) or current (perish the thought)

• Markisha can also find the time, twice-mthly (sometimes thrice-mthly), to collate all the payroll data from the 8 units, check them scrupulously, then enter them into the system of “the payroll company”, Paylocity – https://www.paylocity.com/.

. . . this is Markisha’s 23rd generic task – working how long each week? . . .

• Markisha will forego any days off – let alone holidays – coz she doesn’t have an assistant – let alone a colleague – who can step in to do all this essential daily work

Manageable, Markisha?

[UPDATE: after the removal of the last wisp of cotton wool, Markisha was led into the room by Steph, to make her first public appearance, the Tu25Oct PNB Finance Cttee (54:48). She spoke for exactly 100secs, 100secs, so Pacifica members are really getting their money’s worth (55:21-57:01). She said two things, and two things only, but they spoke volumes: she doesn’t have a report, & in fact she isn’t the NBM but the CHC, the Creditor Hotline Clerk. CHC Markisha. Apparently she can’t do any national, or local, business managing coz she spends all day getting calls from creditors, angry calls – all day long. Markisha really needs to tell her union steward she has to file a misrepresentation claim against her employer. https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/221025/finance221025a.mp3]


🤲🏽8🤲🏽 Is Markisha proximately responsible for the financial management tasks mandated by California law? If not, who?

[to be written-up M17Oct Tu18Oct Su23Oct Su30Oct at the latest … incl.: CA Corporations Code, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codesTOCSelected.xhtml?tocCode=CORP&tocTitle=+Corporations+Code+-+CORP; CA Government Code, 2/3/2/6/7, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=GOV&division=3.&title=2.&part=2.&chapter=6.&article=7.; CA AG guide, https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/media/Guide%20for%20Charities.pdf .]

[apologies: finishing a quantitative piece on KPFK heading for repeater operation, given

(a) the current fund-drive’s $3 500-3 600 average daily pledged: in the first week, “daily average, so far in this drive, for a week, is $3 600” (Kaufman, Tu11Oct PNB FinCttee, 53:26 – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/221011/finance221011b.mp3), dropping by the weekend, “the fund-drive is making $3 500 a day” (Kaufman, Su16Oct KPFK LSB, 2:29:18 – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/kpfk/221016/kpfk221016a.mp3) … & @78% fulfilment (the latest disclosed rate, per the Oct2021 & Dec2021 drives – praps a current understatement: with donors presumably fewer, maybe they’re more motivated to come thru), $3 600 pledged = $2 808 gross proceeds ≃ $2 800.

Despite the turn of phrase, esp. saying ‘making $x’, it’s imperative to appreciate that Kim is spkg. not of cash but of pledges.

Four reasons: (i) she doesn’t give two totals, cash & pledges, & give the derived current fulfilment rate; (ii) with the info being current, she has no way of knowing if, say, yesterday’s pledges & payments will come thru as cash; (iii) during a drive itself, the certain figure is pledges made, not what cash will come thru; & (iv), the killer, the 2nd quote continues immediately by contrasting this pledge level with that used in the FY2023 budget: “the fund-drive is making $3 500 a day. The budget was for $5 200 a day [no: $5 333]”. And what’s in the budget? It was presented to the earlier Su28Aug KPFK LSB, & it explained how its drive cash figure, “$790 245”, was generated: drive days = (5 x 30) +12 in Dec = 162, x $5333 daily pledged (so the mth pledge goal is $160k) = $863 946, yielding $790 245 cash. Noticeably, the fulfilment rate wasn’t disclosed – and no-one asked!?! – but it’s 91.469%, ~91%, & this is worthy of comment: the latest disclosed rate, as mentioned, is 78%, meaning the budget figure is a rise of >13 percentage points, & the actual percentage rise is a Burger King 17.268% ≃ 17%. No justification has been given for this. An actual rate for KPFK higher than 78% has never been spoken, or intimated, in a Pacifica open meeting. Habeas data! https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/kpfk/220828/kpfk220828a.mp3 (from 42:35, with the cash figure at 43:18).

(KK’s speech at the Su16Oct KPFK LSB continued immediately as a reality check: “and that budget was a million dollars in deficit, so that’s more than just bad, it’s like really, really bad […] And then there’s all November with no revenue coming in […] and there’s really no other money from around the network to help us out […] It’s worse than bad […]” – intelligent verbatim transcription. And Ms Reality Check has ruffled the wrong feathers – again, as she did in Apr2015, https://kpftx.org/pacalendar/showfile.php?id=3663&type=agenda (charge sheet from the PacificaWorld Feds, 30Apr2015 PNB) & https://pacificainexile.org/archives/554. She may still have majority support within the KPFK Finance Cttee, but that counted for naught at the LSB, as shown last Sunday: they sacked her as station Treasurer. What was particularly nauseating was witnessing delegates who have demonstrated no evidence of knowing anything about the finances of either Pacifica or KPFK piling in with gusto, when if they had an ounce of integrity they would have asked pertinent questions & certainly abstained (most egregious was Mr Funmaker, who took his seat that very day (sic), someone who’s never made a contribution to a station meeting, in either public comment or the Zoom chat). But no, the herd trampled all over her. Another victory. Dizzy with success . . .);

(b) the station’s cost structure being treated as obdurate: the ‘cut to the bone’ refrain, although ~63% of budgeted FY2023 non-CS is personnel costs (pm: $90k ÷ 143k), ~13½ FTE – whereas KPFT has 1 FTE (the engineer), sic, with the longstanding development/membership/fund-drive bod paid as the single consultant (hello, IRS!) … (i) re the $90k, Kim ‘(sigh) yes, Bella (sigh)’ Kaufman: “the total salaries, line 62, I’ve just put in what we’ve been doing this year […] the total for that is – for this year, for the current year, which is the same as the budget – is $1.1m” (39:37, intelligent verbatim transcription), & ÷ 12 ≃ $91 667 pm – Su28Aug2022 KPFK LSB … (ii) re the $143k, non-CS expenses total “$1 718 533” (48:14; she misspoke: it’s $2 more), & ÷ 12 ≃ $143 211 pm – W24Aug2022 KPFK Finance Cttee, https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/kpfkfin/220824/kpfkfin220824a.mp3; &

(c) Pacifica’s unchallenged dominant ideology of Reaganite/Thatcherite ‘pull y’self up by yer bootstraps’ & ‘Pacifica as a series of household economies (the stations), not the network as a single accounting unit’, & in being non-reflective it’s cemented into the spontaneous understanding of what’s at stake & how to respond – even though, as explained in this blog (section 3, 19Nov2021), the Articles of Incorp’n specify “the facilities”, not ‘the facilities of each station’ or similar formulations.]


•9• directors sleepwalkers must disclose the hierarchy of their decision rules (& its justification), & how they’re using them in addressing the debt-service crisis

The decision rules hierarchy:

• so, how to rank selling the Pacifica building in Berkeley rather than the one in Los Angeles, the latter also housing the temperature-sensitive Radio Archives? What criteria are being used? In this single matter, what are the time-dependent conditions that have been identified?

• if a single swap is envisaged, what’s the justification for it being not KPFA’s but KPFT’s?

• as KPFA has a paid staff of ~31 full-time equivalents (FTE), on what basis should this be dropped to 15 rather than 12?

• generally, how to decide, for example, whether to raise cash from either selling a building or making redundancies at scale – for sake of argument, a one-off $1m net proceeds from a sale (including after FJC take their share: ⅓ of the valuation they hold) or make 12 FTE redundant at KPFA for an annual $1m gain (as KPFA Treasurer Chris ‘Janus’ Cory would say), 12 x $80k, a gift that keeps on giving, yr after yr?

So many questions. So many decisions to be made. So much silence in how the directors sleepwalkers, how the inner circle, are going about things.

But why do the closed meetings hardly ever say whether any decisions were actually made, & their subject matter? There’s no confidentiality at stake in such disclosure. Just the secrecy habit of ‘the culture’.

Recent nuggets:

• real estate – https://pacifica.org/documents/pnb_exec_220915.pdf (accessed from Pacifica homepage, https://pacifica.org – left-hand ‘button’, the lowest of the low)

• a trial – of course, all part of PacificaWorld’s bread & circuses: locally we get the 2022 Potomac Incident, & nationally the demand for court appearances of Donny ‘do you think I care?’ Goldmacher and the stars of Macbeth & Hollywood films, creeping across the heath, chanting “Fair is foul, and foul is fair: / Hover through the fog and filthy air”: Carol ‘she spoke! remove her from the meeting!’ Wolfley & Christina ‘Nurse Ratched’ Huggins – https://pacifica.org/documents/pnb_exec_220922.pdf

• and signal-swapping, slipped into a PNB meeting, the fateful 22Sep one, when ED Steph said she had been told by a resolution (obviously of a closed session) to “meet with a signal broker […] I did meet with someone […] we were just discussing valuation reports & population counts for two of the stations” (12:22, emphases added) – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/pnb220922/pnb220922a.mp3. So, which ones? On what basis were they chosen, the application of what policy? And why is this info kept secret? Of Pacifica’s ~42.6k members, why should they be excluded, unlike the privileged 20, the ‘station’ directors? (1% = 426.) Do those who fund the network not deserve to know what is being explored ‘on their behalf’? Who knows, maybe they even have something to say on the topic?

[UPDATE: two points from the Tu11Oct PNB Finance Cttee. (1) Re downgrading to a repeater station, after a few mths of silence, it popped up again at this meeting – at least in its agenda: “9. Repeater Station estimates and questions (10 minutes, Kim Kauffman [sic])” – yes, time wasn’t extended to reach it (nor to reach “8. Executive Director’s Report (20 minutes)” – https://kpftx.org/archive.php (not available as a separate file). (2) Cuts are being carried out, but thru the filter of the Pacifica secrecy culture there have been no unit-level details. However, Chris Cory noted in passing, surprisingly without a false laugh, “there’s been a little chaos at KPFA […] but […] it seems like things are starting to settle down” (13:08). So this is likely to be the station – absurdly anonymised – where employees’ hours were being reduced. In one of those PacificaWorld coincidences, he has been AWOL, missing two or more meetings, at a time when he might have had to face a pointed question or three – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/finance/221011/finance221011a.mp3.]


The directors sleepwalkers & the ED, given the level of their public discussion, provide little evidence that any of them know, with NETA gone, what it’s going to be like flying blind. The guessing the pattern of fires – coz waiting for them to break out will be too late.

Now is different from previous years without audits & financial control: now it’s touch-&-go. Touch-&-go whether the mass of debt, ever increasing, can be serviced. The supply of cash is barely enough for personnel costs, utilities, tower, office, insurance, paying FJC quarterly, & the inevitable premiums. The cumulative threat to Pacifica is now existential. Hence recent talk of being in a Chapter 11 situation.

The open meetings are funereal. Solemn. Why? Peeps allow themselves a lil peek into the black box, allowing themselves an inkling of a reality check – and they can’t completely suppress their distress. But this is nothing compared to what’s coming. The fund-drives starting early October at the five stations – the biggest of the year – will provide some cash, but once that’s eaten up, the fires will do their work.

Pacifica is being turned into a kill-box.


. . . a genius indeed . . .
