2023 delegates’ pseudo-elections results, Th12Oct – in an accessible form, unlike the NES’ webpage! Breakers now run 3 LSB’s, so big by-laws changes in 2024

. . . results of the 10no. 2023 delegates’ pseudo-elections: here that for the nine KPFA listener-delegates, Th12Oct2023 – https://elections.pacifica.org/wordpress/pacifica-elections-2023-results/ . . .

The results came out a day late – obviously without either an apology or explanation from the National Elections Supervisor, Renée ‘you haven’t seen me, right?’ Peñaloza.


This was during the West Coast morning of Th12Oct – the sixth day of the genocidal onslaught upon Palestinians in Gaza, wrought by the Jewish-Israeli supremacist massacre machine, a state apparatus spawned since 1882 by a European colonisation in Asia, a colonisation by Jewish-Europeans enacting an emigratory nationalist ideology, Zionism, setting up colonies to this very day in a sliver of south-west Asia, Ottomanised Palestine.

For a political culture & leadership that prides itself in entrenching & empowering the state of the Jews (what Herzl termed der Judenstaat – mistranslated as ‘the Jewish state’: that’s der jüdische Staat), for a political culture & leadership that claims to speak on behalf of all Jews, the current unleashing of both genocide & sociéticide is a clear declaration to the world that this is what their idea of Jewish civilisation looks like, what their idea of Jewish ethics smells like.

For the Jewish-Israeli supremacists & their supporters: Jewish civilisation & the Gaza murder-box.

For the Jewish-Israeli supremacists & their supporters: Jewish ethics & the Gaza murder-box.

Let’s be clear: the Jewish-Israeli supremacists & their supporters are showing the world, unequivocally, that for them this is what justice – for them, Jew justice – looks like.

For them, this is Jew justice.

For ever more, they have gouged into the world their stark proclamation: Jew justice = the Gaza murder-box.

As such, the obscenity we are witnessing is the gravest insult to the memory of all those Jewish-Europeans who were murdered in the fascist European judeocide, known in Yiddish as Khurbn (‘destruction’, a destruction principally of the society of Yiddishland). The obscenity, a grave insult to the fighters of the Warsaw ghetto uprising – the Bundists & other Marxists – who battled in the ruins being created all around them, getting driven down into the sewers. Ruins. Ruins, like those being created at this very moment.

Daniel Levy, a wrong kind of Jew, BBC, W11Oct: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LdYV6YX0ks (6:06).

“Levy was a Senior Advisor in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office and to Justice Minister Yossi Beilin during the Government of Ehud Barak (1999-2001). He was a member of the official Israeli delegation to the Israel/Palestine peace talks at Taba under Barak and at Oslo B under Yitzhak Rabin (1994-95)” – https://www.usmep.us/daniel-levy/

Raz Segal, another wrong kind of Jew, & an Israeli in exile, F13Oct [this, & the next, are highly worthy updates]: ‘A textbook case of genocide. Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?’, Jewish Currents, F13Oct, https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide.

Raz Segal, Tu24Oct: ‘Israel must stop weaponising the Holocaust. Scholars of genocide are criticizing the dangerous use of the Holocaust to justify Israeli mass violence against Palestinians’, The Guardian, Tu24Oct, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/24/israel-gaza-palestinians-holocaust.

An associate professor of Holocaust & Genocide Studies, and the Endowed Professor in the Study of Modern Genocide, Stockton University, Galloway Township, NJ – but for how long? https://stockton.edu/graduate/holocaust-genocide-studies.html, & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raz_Segal.

Here, the word ‘genocide’ is used in the legal sense, not rhetorically. And the crime of genocide has a quite broad legal meaning: murdering people is only one of the five ways of genociding (Article 2 of the Genocide Convention; first signed 9Dec1948, effective 12Jan1951); & the Srebrenica convictions in 2004 show that what is readily understood as a massacre, perhaps 8 372 people, was judged in law as a genocide – https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Genocide_Convention, & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre.

Akiva Orr, yet another wrong kind of Jew, an Israeli citizen, now sadly dead, c. 2008 explaining brilliantly that he’s not pro-Palestinian because they’re Palestinian but because they’re oppressed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNDc8tzC5YM (3:13).

Orr & Moshe Machover were amongst the founders of Matzpen (Hebrew for ‘compass’), to be joined by Jabra Nicola. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aki_Orr

Khurbn – it being an insult to use a word drawn from other than the native tongue of the great majority of the victims, words such as the Hebrew shoah or the English holocaust, which itself has the highly unfortunate religious meanings of ‘willing sacrifice’, & ‘a whole burning’.

Marc Caplan, ‘Khurbn’, in Dan Diner (editor), Enzyklopädie Jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur, Band 3: He-Lu, Verlag J B Metzler (Stuttgart & Weimar), 2012, pp. 341-5 – huge file at LibGen, https://libgen.is/search.php?req=Diner+Band+3&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def, but here’s a PDF of the article, https://mega.nz/file/8AkkQLBK#jTcgMOpdEulxWmhPvs0ShWPtqj-LyozTHT00QhB9TNk. (Also a piece on Caplan, the inaugural prof of Yiddish at Johns Hopkins: https://scholarworks.law.ubalt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1822&context=all_fac.)

Besides genocide, you can always drive them out, as in 1947-1949. Machover, Tel Aviv born, has warned, for many years, that the Jewish-Israeli state managers – the civil servants & politicians – keep making plans to drive Palestinians out of Palestine, the best opportunity being a regional crisis. And Nur Masalha, a Palestinian-Israeli, has documented how integral expulsion has been to Zionist thinking since 1882 – even being considered when Israel bloodily occupied Gaza, 1Nov1956-7Mar1957, during the Suez Crisis. Integral: no surprise when you’re trying to set up home in someone else’s living room.

The evidence:
Nur Masalha, Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of ‘Transfer’ in Zionist Political Thought 1882-1948, 1992, https://libgen.is/search.php?req=masalha+expulsion&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def;
Nur Masalha, ‘The 1956-57 occupation of the Gaza Strip: Israeli proposals to resettle the Palestinian refugees’, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, v. 23, no. 1, 1996, pp. 55-68, https://sci-hub.ru/10.2307/195819;
Netanazi in a 1989 speech, when he didn’t think he was being recorded: “Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China [Tiananmen Square], when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories.” https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2009/3/26/netanyahu-on-peace;
another observer, in 2002: “[t]he leading Israeli historian Martin van Creveld predicts that a US attack on Iraq or a terrorist strike at home could trigger a massive mobilisation to clear the occupied territories of their two million Arabs [it’s apparent that he’s referring solely to un-annexed West Bank; 31Dec2023: ~2.970m]”: Martin van Creveld, ‘Sharon’s plan is to drive Palestinians across the Jordan’, Daily Telegraph [London], 28Apr2002, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/1392485/Sharons-plan-is-to-drive-Palestinians-across-the-Jordan.html (paywall, so at https://archive.is/e8wvU);
Jordan’s ready-made: “it is precisely the fact that Israeli leaders intentionally turned Jordan into the absorber of the largest Palestinian refugee population that is now [2010] being used to justify transforming it into a substitute homeland for the Palestinians and forcibly sending more.” https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2010/7/4/jordan-is-not-palestine; &
interview with Machover, updated 28Oct2023, https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/ethnic-cleansing-in-the-current-conflict/.

(Re van Creveld, the updated figure for 2023 is derived from mid-year projections by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Assuming constant rate of change, the year-end total for West Bank (including Palestinians living in the part of Jerusalem stolen in June1967) is 3 291 406 – the summary table being consistent with the latest report by the Bureau’s chief, issued 31Dec; helpfully, the PCBS splits the Jerusalem Governorate between this stolen part (denoting it J1), & the rest (J2); & with J1 as 320 993, the subtraction leaves 2 970 413 – https://pcbs.gov.ps/statisticsIndicatorsTables.aspx?lang=en&table_id=676, https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/statisticsIndicatorsTables.aspx?lang=en&table_id=2088, & https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/portals/_pcbs/PressRelease/Press_En_Palestinian2023E.pdf.)


Meanwhile, back in PacificaWorld . . .

This post has to be made coz the NES’ webpage is effectively unreadable; in a few days she might provide a neat table of those elected, but don’t hold your breath. That’ll probably be in her final report – the first one, too (sic). [UPDATE: unknowingly, whilst this post was being written, the NES improved things a lot, putting the 10 final rounds very near the top of the webpage. C’est la vie.]

For those wanting to check the below against the NES’ info, given for your convenience, whilst you scroll, & scroll, & scroll, & scroll, is the ’round’ # of the final transfer of ballots.

If g-d allows, some notes will be added, on who wasn’t elected, &, more importantly, what gains the breakers made – not least in tightening their grip on the KPFK LSB, perhaps slipping into all four director seats sleepwalker pairs of pyjamas: in controlling three LSB’s, if they get to control the PNB (they’ll need a “majority of all Directors” – per by-law Article 17, Section 1(B)(2)(i), https://pacifica.org/indexed_bylaws/art17sec1.html), then the breakers in 2024 will be able to write whatever by-laws they want that don’t require a full-membership vote requiring a split between the two member classes.

If the breakers judge that the PNB is split 11-11, then they may push to create an at-large director, as mentioned before by this blog, securing a 12-11 majority. This strange beast requires PNB approval to start the electoral process, then nominations by 15Feb from a “majority vote of the Delegates” of at least three LSB’s, before going back to the PNB for decision – with the affiliate directors stripped of a vote (a’ha) … per bylaw 5/5, https://pacifica.org/indexed_bylaws/art5sec5.html.

And . . . then there’s the small matter of Good Olde ‘BAI . . . be it outsourcing programming (chopping staff-members, even to the point that the breakers can win both member class referenda on by-law amendments), . . . or the breakers having already lined up a broadcasting licence swap (although it’s already expired, on 1June2022, https://publicfiles.fcc.gov/fm-profile/wbai, with FCC deigning to grant a temporary permission).

And (a) with no kind of plan ever being cited by Executive Director Wells (sic), or by a manager of the 7 other operating units (sic), & (b) no actionable monthly management account statements (namely, net income, cashflow forecast, balance sheet), in being materially accurate & timely (within 3-4 calendar days of mth-end, or at worst 7-10 calendar days – not over 3mths late), this necessarily means that each of the 8 operating units, & so Pacifica as a whole, is financially flying blind. Given the facts, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

So what does all the busyness, all the firefighting amount to, when the fiefdoms reign supreme, because the ED isn’t controlled by the directors, & the station managers aren’t controlled by the ED? What do we have? . . . deckchairs . . . Titanic . . .

Those elected:

KPFA listener-delegates (Round 15):

Sharon Adams, Emma Auer, Cheryl Davila, Michael Cheng, Lily Kimura, Elizabeth Milos, Candice Schott, Mark Van Landuyt, Steve Zeltzer

… not elected: Carlos Kohan …

KPFA staff-delegates (R5):

Philip Maldari, Darlene Pagano, Richard Wolinsky

… not elected: Anthony Fest …

KPFK listener-delegates (R27):

Tatanka Bricca, Rachel Bruhnke, Ace Estwick, Aryana Gladney, Jan Goodman, Ralph Hawkins, Evelia Jones, Robert Payne, Harvey Wasserman

… The French Revolution moment: Beth ‘Queen Liz III’ Gunten got the chop in R19 – the people have spoken …

… also not elected: Doug Barnett, Nancy Pearlman, incumbent Ruth Strauss …

KPFK staff-delegates (R5):

Rodrigo Argueta Vargas, Wendell Handy, Oscar Ulloa

KPFT listener-delegates (R7):

Adriana Casenave, Elayne Duncan, Lynden Foley, Rob Lee, Cheryl Lynn, Marianne Martinez, Torry Mercer, Debbie Smith, Richard Uzzell

KPFT staff-delegates (R4):

Mike Lewis, Stuart Nance, Rick Norris

WPFW listener-delegates (R11):

Karen Briggs, Wayne Bruce, Michael Byfield, Vanessa Dixon-Briggs, Victoria Gass, Robert Gordon, Tony Leon, Mariah McClain, Dennis Williams

… not elected: director sleepwalker Donna Grimes …

WPFW staff-delegates (R3):

Verna Avery-Brown, Ambrose Lane (the son), Ronald Pinchback

WBAI listener-delegates (R23):

Gail Bey, Elliot Crown, Joan De Lorenzo, Paul DeRienzo, Eleanor Forman, Gloria Guillo, Mark Miller, Alejandrina Murphy, Cerene Roberts

… not elected: former director sleepwalker Carolyn Birden, incumbent Jack DePalma, busy cttee/working group attendee Bruce Greif, CAB Chair Neale Vos, LSB Secretary Kay ‘somehow I’m just unable to get the last 7 LSB audios posted at kpftx.org’ Williams …

WBAI staff-delegates (R7):

Simon Fitzgerald, Jim Freund, Sally Gellert

… not elected: former director sleepwalker Ralph Poynter …


[NOTE: the list below will be completed by Day X of the Gaza Genocide/Sociéticide. Meanwhile, this is worth reading, the plan of the criminal organisation, known as the Israeli government, disclosed for the first time on F20Oct by Attack Minister Gallant: “'[t]he third step will be […] the removal of Israel’s responsibility for day-to-day life in the Gaza Strip'”, made in his address to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defence Cttee – https://www.timesofisrael.com/gallant-says-after-hamas-vanquished-israel-will-seek-new-security-regime-in-gaza/.]

Here’s a list of the departing squatters, due to leave their LSB in Dec & the PNB in Jan, illegally plonked on their seats in virtue of the 20Oct2022 PNB resolution extending their uninterrupted time as a delegate beyond 6yrs (no pagination, but pp. 3-5 of the PDF) – https://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/221020/221020_8138_minutes.pdf:




WPFW: Julie Clueless

WBAI: James ‘wooden, wooden as a chair’ Sagurton


Pacifica’s membership down 27% in two years, to 31 252 … down 67% on 2004’s 95 581

. . . the plebs finally get thrown some crumbs: after 8wks (sic), the # of Pacifica members; & after 2wks, how many have voted online (ElectionBuddy Inc.’s “online voting system”, by definition, excludes the paper ballots cast – a # never disclosed by the NES, & a deficiency of the NES’ website never acknowledged publicly by any of the automatons of the PNB Elections Cttee or the sleepwalkers of the PNB) – https://elections.pacifica.org (counter installed in the 3rd week of voting, towards the start of week-commencing M28Aug; this screenshot, early F1Sep2023, EDT), & https://electionbuddy.com/about/ . . .


[UPDATE: the original title, & below calculations, have been changed coz National Elections Supervisor Renée ‘safe pair of hands’ Peñaloza keeps changing the total membership at 30June2023, the record date of the delegates’ pseudo-elections. Presumably coz a few well-motivated peeps, who haven’t received their ballot, have presented evidence of their membership – peeps such as directors sleepwalkers Teresa ‘I’m so vicious I can slice you with my eyes, & as I’m so rich I shall mock you for being so poor’ Allen (KPFT listener-delegate), Adriana ‘point of point, madam Chair’ Casenave (KPFT listener-delegate) & Vanessa ‘the lists aren’t fit for purpose, but what can I do, I’m only a director’ Dixon-Briggs (WPFW listener-delegate), the last two having even just gone thru the process of being certified by the NES as candidates (sic). This month, the size of the electorate (& so the membership) given by the ElectionBuddy counter has changed at least 15 times: moving from 31 146 (F1Sep, if not a few days earlier) thru ‘148 (5Sep, EDT), ‘168 (7Sep), ‘170 (9Sep), ‘195 (14Sep), ‘201 (19Sep), ‘203 (20Sep), ‘215 (22Sep), ‘229 (27Sep), ‘235 (29Sep), ‘249 (30Sep), ‘248 (30Sep), ‘247 (30Sep), ‘250 (30Sep), ‘251 (30Sep), to 31 252 (30Sep), an increase of 106 – a sequence shown transiently on the NES’ homepage, https://elections.pacifica.org.

[Note, it’s one thing the Pacifica higher-ups thinking they have membership lists that can function as elector rolls, that they’re materially accurate – but it’s another thing when they’re tested, in a highly partial way, in the running of a public election. And it’s obvious that testing has to start earlier – much earlier! And as this is Pacifica, with its longstanding history of materially inaccurate record-keeping, the testing also has to be of the membership record-keeping system, & not only of its current, momentary content – this a crucial conceptual distinction never made publicly by any Pacifica decision-maker in the 2018 thru present period covered by PacificaWatch. Oh.

[And what sort of testing has to be done to evidence the credibility, or otherwise, of the content of the 10 membership lists? (The 10: 5 listener-member station lists; & 5 of staff-members, with the Radio Archives peeps in the KPFK list.)

[As a minimum, two exercises in sampling have to be done, & well before any election – work arranged by the station managers, supervised by the executive director. One exercise samples the 10 membership lists, & by trying to contact members this will notably indicate the proportion of false positives in the membership lists (former donors & staff who have never been culled – so getting a ballot for free). The other exercise is of the other pole, sampling the 5 donor lists & 5 staff lists, & seeing if those individuals appear in the membership lists; this notably indicates the proportion of absences, negatives, re the membership lists. As shown, each sampling exercise involves an other, in an attempt at reconciliation – a truly un-Pacifican procedure as it’s a test of authoritative corroboration of what’s claimed.

[Likewise, sampling: so anathema to NES Renée that the word never crosses her lips – except when she’s making her music. Knowing that management had done none, she chose the easy way out & did none herself. And remember, the last time Pacifica had an NES who was an accredited elections supervisor, Graeme Drew, an outsider to boot, he terminated the 2018 elections for reason of material inaccuracy, for the membership lists being so corrupted, & therefore also inadequate to serve as elector rolls:

“I am unable to reliably verify any of the applicants for candidacy due to the poor quality of elector lists […] the elector lists required to proceed with the election process remain incorrect and incomplete.

“Given this, I am unable to verify eligible candidates and proceed with the election.”

NES Graeme Drew letter to the Pacifica National Board (with copy sent to ED Maxie Jackson), 30Oct2018, page 2, original bold & underlining) – https://mega.nz/file/QRsBmKDZ#08vJfqQcRaOyhwnCrP_po1Yd8TiW7Sl_umf5zU9Knt4

[Obviously he was promptly fired by the directors – sleepwalkers even then. And this is the point: since NES Drew’s evaluation in 2018 of the 10 membership lists as materially inaccurate, not one person has even suggested (let alone claimed) that this detritus (no doubt including corpses) has been cleansed – let alone someone providing evidence to the public, not least to the Pacifica members themselves. Rationally, this is sufficient evidence to designate the current process a pseudo-election.

PacificaWorld remains opaque, the rulers countering transparency, be it thru incompetence or intent. Muddling thru. Treating Joe & Joanna Average as cash cows. Unable to think, to come up with a vision for Pacifica – a coherent basis informing plans to arrest a near-20yr continuous decline … plans with integrated content, coordinated implementation, & temporally nested. So, unable to transcend the necro-economics of the Golden Corpses with the bio-economics of the Network Development Plan. And, unable to grasp the nettle, the decisions have been made by others – creditors & state. So, reduced to manoeuvring to cling onto the seats they cherish so dearly – whilst all around they give up to the flames.


The numbers: in 2yrs, membership crashes 27%

In only 2yrs, membership has crashed 27%, the highest rate by far in such a short period (31252 ÷ 42663 = 0.7325). Taking a wider sweep, back to the year Bush beat Kerry, since 31Aug2004, membership has fallen 67% (31252 ÷ 95581 = 0.3269).

To put the current 31 252 in perspective, here’s the 2004 station split: KPFA 28 539, KPFK 21 503, KPFT 10 472, WPFW 13 942, WBAI 21 125.

(1) The ’42 663′ is an adjustment of the 30June2021 total, the record date for that year’s delegates’ pseudo-elections (NES Renée’s final report, p. 13, being p. 15 of the PDF). It’s adjusted coz there was no WPFW staff-members election (only 3 candidates for 4 seats); but less than 3mths before, at the 7Apr staff referendum on by-laws amendments, they numbered 120, so it’s reasonable to use that at 30June.

(2) The 2004 data are per NES Kenneth Mostern’s final report on the 2004 delegates’ elections (pp. 2, 5, 9, 15, 12) – please see ‘. . . the knell: Pacifica membership, passing over time’, the only article on the whole public internet that has on a single webpage the Pacifica membership data since 2004.

All links at https://pacificaradiowatch.home.blog/non-financial-pacifica-data/elections/election-of-local-station-board-delegates-2003-present/, & https://pacificaradiowatch.home.blog/non-financial-pacifica-data/the-knell-pacifica-membership-passing-over-time/

The politics: the Pacifica secrecy culture is alive & well

As said, after 8wks (sic) the plebs were thrown some crumbs: two figures, the membership total, & the # of ballots cast online (so not the # of ballots cast). Have other strata in PacificaWorld received more info? Of course. The online balloting firm has all the online data, & that includes basic info such as the 10-way station split, so of the membership & of the ballots cast online. That means NES Peñaloza has it too, so no doubt she’s provided it all to the 21 directors sleepwalkers, & almost certainly to PNB Elections Cttee Chair Aki Tanaka (& so to the breakers high command – if not to all Cttee members), &, if only out of courtesy, to the person who hired her, ED Stephanie ‘The Breeze’ Wells (& so to the 5 station managers).

All these are privy to this basic info – but for those who fund the whole thing, those slumming it in the plebs rank, they deserve zilch. So get zilch. The Pacifica secrecy culture means that no disclosure of this basic info has been made by NES Peñaloza, PNB Chair Julie Clueless, Cttee Chair Tanaka, or ED ‘The Breeze’. Any of them could have told the other ~31 000 in PacificaWorld – but they all chose not to. They all effectively decided that the online balloting company would know more about what’s going on than almost all of the 120 Pacifica delegates & the ~31k Pacifica members.

Welcome to #PacFam, the Pacifica Family.

Note … a Pacifica member isn’t really a member: almost all are simply donors – plus volunteers, mostly staff

Using the term member is quite misleading. Yes, they have a vote (twice in 3yrs), & can run for governance (being a delegate), but that’s it, really. Unlike a membership organisation, there’s no ongoing structure offered to them – not even a register where they can give details of how they can help, of their experience, expertise, skills, knowledge.

The sad thing is, in functionally being donors, the great majority probably don’t even know they’re members, members of a corporation, members of Pacifica Foundation, Inc.

As it is, the ‘members’ are atomised – not structured. And the only status they really have is being a donor – except for those who volunteer, usually in programme production.

In other words, they’re left to their own devices. And treated as cash cows.

Maybe they’ll offer themselves. Maybe they won’t.

The result? We know all too well.
